I'm Here. I'm Not Far Away

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A week later...

"Be careful... Slowly.. Yeah.. That's right.. "

" Ugh! I feel like a baby Blake! " I groaned.

A week had passed. I returned home after 4 horrifying days in the hospital. Dr smith allowed me to come but told me to have a complete bed rest for a week. I was really and utterly bored sitting down on the bed for the whole day. Blake, Emily and Andy kept me company to which I'm glad for. The wound on my stomach had healed and I was feeling much stronger. I haven't heard from Damien since the day at the hospital. Truth to be told... I miss him. A lot. And I'm sure the thing which I feel for him is much stronger now. According to Em, Damien changed. He started wearing those baggy clothes and turned into the nerd. She even told me, he wanted to see me.

I wanted that too.

Now, we- I mean Blake and me were walking down the stairs of my house. As my injury was a little bad, I had to be careful.

"Finally.. " Blake beamed. " You made it. ".

I sighed. " yeah. Thanks once again Blake. ".

Blake's been there for me the whole time. Andy acted like the real protective brother he was, always cooking for me giving me medicines. There was something weird though.

Andy was spending a lot of time I mean a whole lot of time with Emily.

It's fishy.

The front door opened to reveal Andy, mom and....

"RICHARD????? " I shouted.

" Hey my kiddo! " Richard opened his arms wide.

Though in my horrible condition, I practically ran towards him and jumped on him hugging him back!

" I missed you.. " I murmured.

"I missed you too kiddo.". Richard said stroking my hair.

"Let the man come in honey.. " mom said.

I pulled back and went with everyone to the living room.

I saw my mom from the corner of my eyes and was literally on tears. A happy one.

My mom was smiling - like a real smile by seeing Richard and Richard too was looking at mom with loving eyes.

I felt like chuckling.

Cupid is on his mission I guess.

I, Andy, Blake, mom, Richard everyone was talking about how I was stabbed and how I kicked the ass of that gang leader. Richard seemed to be in shock at this information and Andy was already holding a proud smile on his face.

Everything seemed so normal.

Soon Blake went away as he had some work..

"honey.. Is it all right if Richard stays here tonight? I mean it's pretty late and I didn't bring my car, so I was thinking if we could stay here and then... "

I stopped my mom.

" Mum, it's your house. You don't need to explain anything. Both of you will stay here. " I smiled.

" Okay " mom beamed. " I'll sleep with you then hon. ".

" No no.. " Andy came from behind and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. " Amanda is my pillow and I'm not going anywhere to sleep. This man snores like a lion ". He said pointing to Richard.

Richard snorted. " Yeah. That's how you treat your father. ".

" You two share the room dad. You won't have any problem, will you rosella? " Andy asked.

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