The Party And The Fight

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"Not like that Josh.  Please if you can't even handle a plectrum stop playing the damn guitar!"  I shouted annoyed. 

I was in the music room helping Josh, a junior to play the correct chords of a song so that he could win the heart of his so called "Princess" by singing her favourite song,  which was--- little things by one direction. 

I honestly loved the song and moreover Josh had a good voice but he was constantly dropping the plectrum. 

"yeah sorry. " he said sheepishly.  He surely was trying hard to get his girl.

After about one more hour he was finally good at it.  He was very happy indeed and I could see that he really cared and liked or maybe.... Loved that girl.  He bid his thanks and went. I too was happy to help someone.  Many people came to the music room during break.  Some were really good,  while the others sucked.  I sat on a chair and relaxed.  Reunion party was ummm good plus awkward.  Blake and Emily were constantly bringing up weird topics and mom was constantly eyeing me and Damien.  Mom even took me to a corner and asked whether he was my boyfriend or not. I tried to make her believe that he wasn't and never will be but she said "there's a connection between us".  I didn't understand of course or maybe pretended not to understand.  Later we all ate, drank, sang and had fun.  Damien went to his house but my best friends stayed and had an all nighter.  I was happy. I finally got what I wanted.

I felt someone tapping my back.  I turned around to see Emily with two invitation cards.  I frowned.

"Is it your wedding?  So soon? " I joked. 

She rolled her eyes. " No.  Not my wedding but Blake's throwing a party as his parents went out. It's going to be fun!" she squeaked. 

"No. You guys go.  You know I don't like parties.  " I shrugged.

I suddenly felt my arm being tugged harshly and saw Em glaring.
" Miss Williams!! You sure as hell are going to the party and no further discussion ".

" Okay Okay.  I'll go.  But I'm no wearing any dresses or something of that sort.  " I said.

She squealed.  Gosh what's with Em and her squealing. 
" Okay.  I'm taking your card as you'll be going with me and can you please give this card to Damien?  I can't find him.  Oh and we'll be going a little earlier.  Gotta help Blake with his party decorations " she smiled.

" count me in.  Just let me inform mom about this.  And yeah I'll give it to him ".  I smiled back. 

" Thanks Am. " she hugged me and went away. 

I chuckled.  Stupid girl.  She always seemed enthusiastic about anything related to Blake.  I even saw her smile while looking at him. It was a kind of smile which tells------ oh he is so amazing. Maybe mum was right.  There can be a thing between them I guess.

Break was over so I stood up,stretched my muscles, looked around the room if everything was all right or not and then walked out locking the door behind me.  I still had to find Mr nerd. 

"I wonder where he is.. " I muttered under my breathe.  Where did the nerds go usually... I thought. " oh! "

The library. 

I sprinted my way to the library and entered with a squeaking noise of my shoes.  The librarian, Mrs grey,  glared at me.  I stuck out my tongue sheepishly and entered.  There were not many people reading.  I kept going rows after rows.  I even found a couple eating each other's faces like there's no tomorrow.

"Get a room you two! " I exclaimed.  They didn't expect anyone to see them as their faces were like the deers caught in headlights. 

After nearly 5 mins, I found Damien at the literature section.  He was talking to someone on the phone. I went closer and heard him.

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