Andy :)

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"Okay.. So everything's ready.". I muttered.

I was in my kitchen working with food. Andy would come any minute. His flight is supposed to land at 8pm and now it's nearly 9pm. I was so excited. My brother was coming! I would finally get someone close to me.
Damien went away few minutes back. We decided that we would talk secretly while I think of a plan. He kissed me again on the forehead today. Why the boys went on kissing me.. God knows.. It's not that I don't like it... It's just....

The bell rang.

I ran to the door ready to open it,not caring about the flour all over me.

Opening the door I was met by.. No one..

I frowned.

"Hello?? Is anyone here? " I said.
Sensing no body I was about to close the door when I saw a box lying on the ground. It was a black colour box with gold ribbon.

I picked up the box and opened it. I smiled at what I saw inside..

There was a picture of me and Andy when we were like seven. Both having toothy smiles on our faces.

" Andy.. Enough.. Come out.. " I chuckled.

And only a few seconds later came out a laughing Andy. And he changed a lot. He was wearing a dark brown jacket with black denims. He had a piercing on his lips and his hair was cut in a cool fashion.

" Hey Ana.. " he came and hugged me.

I hugged him back. Words couldn't describe how happy I was to get him.

We pulled back and I motioned him to come inside. He came inside with a bag and went to the living room.

I went after him and attacked him with questions!

"How is Richard? How are you? Did you find any girlfriends? What about when you went there.., ".

" Calm down miss. " he chuckled. " I'm fine. Dad is fine. He'll be back in a month or so.... ". He paused.
" What about rosella? How is she? And.. How are You? " he asked cautiously.

I sighed.

" She's fine I guess. I don't know. I'm alive.. I didn't have to face the jury because I accepted something horrible. His funeral is done.. ". I spoke with venom.

" You're my strong buttercup. ". He said giving my hand a squeeze.
" just tell me everything. Let it out. "....

I looked at him. And then started telling him everything. I told him how I and mom was tortured, how I killed him, how I was on the verge of going to jail, how I got involved in a gang and how hard my life is right now.

By the time I was finished telling him everything, I was curled up in a ball in Andy's arms crying my heart out. He was rubbing my back soothingly. I cried and I cried... It was good to feel everything going out of me..

I finally calmed down and mumbled In his chest.
" You just embarrassed me Andy.. ".

His chest shaked with his chuckle.
" Are you okay? " he asked.

" Yeah. And sorry for being such a bitch. I didn't even ask you anything to eat. " I said scratching my back.

" It's okay. I'll just go and freshen up a bit. Then we can have food together. ". He said with a smile.

I got up. " So my highness. Let's go and make you familiar with your room. " I said bowing.

He got up and followed after me. I went up the stairs and took him to his room. His room was opposite to mine. I opened the door and he went in.

I cleaned the room today. I put blue bedsheets and blue curtains. I remembered his favourite colour. There was a bed, a bookshelf on the wall, a walk in closet, a bathroom enough for him and I also bought some clothes for him.

"You remember my favourite colour ". He said after some time.

" Yeah. I do. " I said smiling. " you go and get freshen up. I'll wait for you downstairs. ".

He nodded and I came down. Finally I won't be alone now.

Andy's pov.

I came out of the bathroom wrapping a towel around my waist. Putting on a pair of pajamas, I was prepared to go downstairs.


My step sister. She had changed. She wasn't as jolly as I saw her 5 years back. She was broken. Every cell in her body was broken. When I was hearing about her past I myself was feeling pained.

My sister was sweet and cute previously. But now.. She was beautiful. She has become mature, thoughtful and beautiful in a different way and I was proud of her. She was strong and undoubtedly I loved her the most after my dad.

"Andy! If you don't come, the food will fucking die! " shouted she from downstairs.

I chuckled.

I was going to have a lovely time here.

Amanda's pov

I was waiting for him. My eyes were near to closing because of tiredness. Finally I heard footsteps.

Andy cam down wearing only a pair of pajamas and wow....

His whole arm and body was covered with tattoos. My mouth hung open.

"When did you get these? " I asked him shocked. It wasn't like I was against these. It's just that.. It felt weird as well as good on Andy.

" from the age of 15." he smiled sheepishly. Each has a different meaning.. And you're there too.

"Me? " I asked incredulously.

" yeah. See here. " he said pointing towards his chest.

I saw a diamond shaped tattoo with four divisions. In one there was Richards name in a stylish design and on the other there was mine. And mine was in between red and black colour with leafy designs.

" It's beautiful! " i said with awe. " I must say you've attained a typical bad boy look Andy boy... " I said teasing him.

" I can prove it if you want sweetheart.. " he winked.

I gasped. " Pervert. Save it for other girls ". I said laughing.

Then we sat to eat and talked about random things. Tomorrow was his first day and I was super excited. After we finished with our food he helped me wash dishes.

After that when he was going upstairs to sleep. I asked him a thing.
"Can you sleep with me Andy? ".

He looked at me for a moment. His eyes softened.

" Sure. "

I beamed. In childhood days we used to snuggle together. It always gave me a protected sister type feeling.

I switched off the lights and went upstairs. I went to my room and changed quickly in a pair of shorts and tank top. I knew Andy would be here any moment. I switched off the lights and crept under my sheets. A few seconds later i felt my bed dip and felt a hand pulling me by my waist to a rock hard chest.

"Night sis... ".

I smiled and snuggled closer.
" night Andy. ".


A/n: a short update. Just to clear things a bit. Guys don't give up on this story.. You've supported me so far so nicely that I literally am crying with gratitude.

Thank you once again.

This was an emotional chapter indeed and I loved them snuggling. Hope you'll like it.


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