He Can Be Like You! And He'll Prove It

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"Ugh!!" I groaned. I couldn't sleep. Wanna know why?

Damien's house.

After I was finished with eating, I got up to keep the dishes on the table but my back...

"oh shit! " I muttered and fell down. " Fuck you Roy! ".

Damien came hurriedly to me and helped me get up.

" Thanks. "

" Am you should probably give the medicine I brought for you " Damien said.

I nodded my head unable to speak. My back was hurting like hell.

" I'll be right outside if you need me... " he said and went outside the room.

I took the first Aid box and opened it to look for an ointment. I found one and opened my shirt to apply it on my back. But... My hands couldn't reach the point. I tried in every position but couldn't.

Sighing, I decided to call Damien.

"Damien?? Can you come inside? I need your help. " I said with hesitation. I didn't know if it was a good idea to take his help but I needed the medicine.

" Yeah? " he came inside and stopped seeing me just in my sports bra. " Umm... What help? " he asked.

I was getting so embarrassed but nonetheless told him to apply the medicine on my back as my hands couldn't reach there.

He took the medicine, took out a little ointment on his fingers and told me to turn back. I held my breath. As soon as his fingers touched my wounded area I hissed in pain.

"Uh.. It's.. It's pretty bad Am.. " Damien said stuttering.

He was touching me and it was like some weird kind of feelings were making its way to my heart. Something funny in my stomach was going on and these feelings were so foreign.. I wasn't uncomfortable when he touched me... It felt... Right.. Somehow..

After he was done, I thought he would make a stupid comment about this but no.. He simply picked up my shirt, gave it to me and went out.

I smiled a little.

Such a gentleman.

Present time

"I need to sleep.. " I muttered. I shut my eyes tightly.. Still couldn't sleep. Then thoughts of mum came to my mind.

I couldn't believe she didn't even bother to tell me she already moved on and was dating some shit. I needed to know! I deserve it atleast. I cannot just accept some creepy sort of shit to be my father, after what happened to me and mum! She must know that we had to go through such harsh times.

I sighed. I was angry because I couldn't see my mother sad. I wanted her to be happy but.. Was the new guy right?

I needed time to think so for now I shoved the thoughts away and concentrated on one thing..



I yawned and opened my eyes. The sun was shining and the rays were coming in through the windows. I felt a new freshness in me. I looked at the bedside table and saw the time.

"Holy shit!! " I jolted up from the bed and jumped into the shower.

It was 8am. School had already started and today was our chemistry practical class.

I hurriedly took a shower then quickly dressed into a pair of jeans and shirt. I took my bag and phone and went downstairs. I didn't have time to eat so I unlocked the door and, entered my car.

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