Forgiveness And Small Smiles

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I wanted to cry.

It was the last period which was English and Blake was also there in this one. But he didn't show up. He didn't come. I waited for him. I wanted to apologize but he didn't even show up in front of me. Emily Said he wanted to be alone. But I couldn't let him be. Blake is the only guy best friend I have. He's my brother.. My father and moreover my best friend. I wanted to scream at myself. I shouldn't have agreed and helped Roy.

Finally the bell rang and I started packing up my things. Going outside the school I saw Emily waiting. I hurried up to her.

"hey.. Did Blake say anything? " I asked hopefully.

" I'm sorry amanda. He doesn't want to talk to you. I tried many times but he pushed me away saying he needs time. It's better if you leave him alone. I'm so sorry " said she. I knew she was telling the truth. I saw the sadness.

Emily hugged me." I'll talk to you later Am. Stay strong " she said with a small smile and walked away.

I unlocked the door and went in. The tears that were threatening to spill now came out in full force. I started crying again. I screamed and shouted." why is my life like this!!! Why can't I live peacefully!! Why??! Why can't I have a normal life?! Why... " I fell to the ground and cried.
I heard my door unlocking. I didn't even bother to look who it is. I wanted to die.. I wanted to..

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Blake.

" Amanda?? Oh shit Amanda!! " he came running to where I was and pulled me In his arms. " I'm so sorry Am. I didn't know you'll break down again. I'm so sorry. "

I couldn't reply. I cried continously. I wasn't in the state to say anything.
" Blake please don't... Don't leave me. Pl.. Please.. I... I. Please don't.. Bla.. Blake please.. "

" Am I'm not going anywhere. I'm so sorry I acted so rudely. Calm down please. Am please.. Stop crying " he pleaded.

I don't know how long but we sat there like that. I in Blake's arms and he comforting me. When I finally stopped crying I was tired. I really was. Blake didn't say anything. He picked me up in bridal style and took me to my room. He made me lie in my bed. "I'll be right back".

He came after a few minutes with a first aid kit and started cleaning my bruises and wounds. I flinched a little when he applied a liquid which stung like hell. After his work was done he bandaged my wounds. And looked at me with a smile. Kissing my forehead he got up.

"are you leaving?? " I asked lowly.

" Emily's on the way. We're having an all nighter. You better rest." he winked.

"sleepover? " I grinned. " Make sure to wake me up Blakey boy " I said teasing him.

" as you wish your highness " he chuckled.
After he went I mentally thanked God for giving me such wonderful friends. Surely I didn't have my mom with me but I had them and it was a blessing. I couldn't sleep and decided to listen to a bit of music. Plucking my headphones in I hit the play button. And I'll always return started playing. My mind automatically went to Damien.
I know i probably pissed him off today but I wasn't thinking at that time. If only I didn't have a messed up life... Things would've been a lot easier. I just sat there and listened to the music.

"is she sleeping?? Or just acting? I bet she's acting " I heard someone talking. Then suddenly I felt someone's hands on my nose. As soon as it touched I jolted up with a loud sneeze!
" hacchhooo!!!!! "

Blake and Emily both burst out laughing. I scowled at them and pushed Emily off my bed. She fell on her butt and this time I burst out laughing seeing the look of complete surprise and annoyance on her face.

" Amanda Williams!! You're so gonna pay for this!" she playfully growled at me and jumped on me. We started pillow fight.

"Okay girls now stop! I mean c'mon I'm here too. I'm not invisible am I? " Blake commented.
I looked at Emily and she was giving me the look which stated are you thinking the same thing which I am? I grinned mischievously.

" Uh Emily did you hear something? I think my ears are disturbing because I just heard someone " I faked an accent.

" Nop I didn't hear anyone Am. " she giggled." let's go watch some TV " she tugged my arm and we both headed towards the living room.

" remind me why do I love you guys so much " Blake muttered.
We giggled and walked down the stairs.

" tangled! "

" conjuring "

" tangled! "

" no conjuring! "

" I said tangled Emily! How many times do I have to tell you!! " Blake retorted.

We were currently in the living room deciding which film to watch. Apparently, Emily wanted to see conjuring and Blake wanted to see tangled. Shouldn't it have been the other way around? I mean Blake and tangled? This was weird. I mean Blake always had this weird fascination over girlie films I don't know why. I'm in the kitchen working with popcorns. I could clearly see my best friends from here.

I saw Emily. She was wearing some kind of 3 quarters with a blue tank top. Her blonde hair was tied in a ponytail. She was gorgeous. I mean she was beautiful with those greyish blue eyes and a cheery and rebellious nature.
Then I saw Blake. No doubt he was handsome as hell. Don't get me wrong but I even sometimes drool how he looks. With that firm and square cut jaw and blue eyes he was a total sexy package. His dark brown hair fell messily on his head and wearing a shirt and pants was provoking. Girls of our school died to talk to him but he never really gave attention to anyone. I wondered why. Was he gay? I giggled and took the popcorn in the living room. They were still fighting.

"guys please.. We have the whole night. We can watch it one by one. First we'll watch tangled then conjuring. Are we clear? " I said sternly.
They both nodded their heads like lost puppies.

It was 11pm and both of my friends were fast asleep. Emily on my legs and Blake on my shoulder. I switched off the TV and made Emily sleep on my pillow and Blake beside her. I wasn't sleepy. I went upstairs took my Hoodie, and keys and went out.
Stepping outside the cool air of new York city bought a new refreshment. The dark night was kind of comforting me.. It was usually busy in the morning but now it was silent except a few cars her and there... I was walking by the sidewalk. My house was a bit away from the city so the area was comparatively greener and everything was more silent. I was walking without any destination.. But when I saw clearly my feet were taking me to the park. You guys are probably thinking I'm totally out of my mind but I actually love sitting alone in the dark. I sat in one of the benches and sighed.

"what are you doing here? " a voice asked from behind me. I turned back and saw Damien standing there. I felt guilty about my behavior but then again I couldn't help It.

" none of your business " I said.

" but you shouldn't be alone at this time of the night. I'm just trying to talk Amanda. " he replied. I didn't say anything. He sat down beside me.

" so... How is miss clumsy doing? " he asked me with a smirk. I was actually happy that he didn't get angry about my behavior.

I gave him a small smile and said" ok. I'm ok I guess ". Suddenly out of nowhere Damien held my hands. I flinched a little as my wounds were still raw.

" I won't ask you how or where it happened. But you should take care. " he said concerned.

" Damien. "

" hmm? ".

" thank you ".

A/n: Heya everyone. Another update :) pic to the side is of Ian Somerhalder as Blake. I love him actually. Enjoy.


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