What the hell?

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"No!!!..mom please dont do this!"

No... no way ..i cant .. i cant loose my mom.. she is the only person who supports me and i cant let anything happen to her just because of HIM!! he is the reason why she's like this today!!

"Mom please listen.. mom we can go away together...far from here.. far away from HIS reach!! everything will be all right .. we can start from a new beginning.. we can be happy!!


this was all my mother said before jumping off the terrace...

"NOOOOO!!!!" i woke up with a scream..sweat was trickling down my face..i was panting like i had just ran a marathon..

"this was a dream." i sighed..

i was getting this kind of dreams or rather nightmares a lot lately.. there wasn't even a single night that i could sleep peacefully.. glancing at the clock on the table beside me i saw it was 4.am in the morning..


"Wow great!! what the hell will i do now at 4am on a freaking saturday morning!!"  i groaned in frustration..

Yes it was a Saturday that means no work or school today .. and i was wide awake like an owl .. finally giving up i removed the sheets from my body and went to my bathroom for refreshing myself up.. i brushed my teeth ..gargaled.. tied my hair in a messy bun and looked around my room..  

Pulling my curtains to the side i peeked through the windows... The scenery was beautiful.. it wasn't dark but it aws a combination of darkness and light.. there was enough light to atleast look around... the sky was of a light shade of purple with hints of blue and yellow.. some chirping of birds could be heard. The trees were standing in such a way that it seemed like they were having their own conversation. Everything was quite. Peaceful. It was calming me down.. i quickly went downstairs and opened the door to my basement.. I found what i was looking for.. 

There it was lying... in a far corner in a black cover..My better half ..

My guitar.

i ran upstairs and flopped down on my bed with my guitar... i removed the cover and found that it was in the same condition as i left it two years ago... i used to sing and play the guitar most of the time previously.. my mom said that i had a sweet voice and i should go for singing as a career.. but everything changed...

Removing the thoughts away from my head i stroked the chords.. and started singing my favourite song..

the snow glows white on the mountain tonight

not a foot print to be seen

a kingdom of isolation, and it looks like i'm the queen.

the wind is howling like this swirling storm inside

couldn't keep it in heaven knows I've tried..

don't let them in don't let them see, be the good girl you always have to be...conceal don't feel don't let them know... well now they know..

let it go... let it go..

can't hold it back any more...

I kept on singing . It felt nice singing after a long time...after that i just went on my daily chores .. i cooked myself grilled cheese sandwiches ..and went to the supermarket to buy some food and house items..I picked cookies, jam, loaf of bread, a bottle of shampoo and a few vegetables.

by the time when i finished my work it was already 3pm. i was sweating badly so i decided to take a shower... Taking a shower I made up my mind to go to the park to have a run.. so i just wore track pants with a green top saying ''jackass" . I pulled my hair in a high ponytail.. and was ready. Heading downstairs i took my mobile and headphones, locked the door and started jogging towards the park.. Suicide silence was blasting through my headphones.. 

What? dont be stunned by my choice of music. I love soft, melodious songs but i have a passion for death metal.

Running  always helps me clear my mind and  for a girl like me, having a messed up life, this is a great refreshment.....


i crashed into someone and fell hard on my butt... i opened my eyes just to see a boy of my age rubbing his head and in the same condition as me.. he was probably a nerd as he was wearing big glasses with a guitar on his back. he opened his eyes and i was taken aback by the intensity of it.. he had deep brown eyes unlike mine which was steel grey in colour..

Irritated i got up and was about to yell at him for his carelessness, suddenly the boy stood up and said

" Sorry I was in a hurry I couldn't see you.. please forgive me" saying this he pushed me to the side and ran in the direction he was heading..

and i was like What the hel!!??

A/n:  hey buddies.. sorry for the late update but i guess reading this will hopefully make it up to you and will be worth it.. and i finally introduced the lead male in this chapter.. i chose Damien as Xavier Samuel .. seriously.. I've got the hots for him ;) 

this part is dedicated to anikaroy17 for she's a wonderful friend on wattpad as well as in my real life.. thanks for the support 

anyway enjoy reading.. xoxo



The reckless girl's loveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang