I Nearly Drooled!

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"thank you??" he asked.

"yes. Because you know I'm not any normal girl. I have issues and problems. I have a messed up life and I don't want people getting hurt because of me. I have two friends and they already suffer and be there for me always . I don't want you to suffer the same. I'm not good Damien. You should probably go.. " I completed my rant with a sigh.

Damien didn't say anything for a while. I wondered what was he thinking at that time.

" see ya at school Miss clumsy. " he winked and started walking.

Instead of getting annoyed I called him " hey Damien!!"
He turned back and looked at me.

"can I walk with you?? I asked incredulously.

He bowed his head and said "as you wish miss clumsy" I rolled my eyes at his comment but smiled.

We walked together. Nobody said a thing. It was like a peaceful silence surrounding us. I turned my head to look at Damien. He was a total geek. He wore a baggy shirt. With loose fitting jeans. His hair was properly combed with big round glasses on his nose. I didn't like nerds or geeks. Maximum of my 'so called friends' are the jocks of the school. But I don't know I didn't dislike Damien. I kind of liked his company. I didn't know I was staring at him till he spoke " listen I know I look like a sloth so don't make it obvious by staring at me." I saw his jaw was clenched and he was probably getting angry. He thought I was looking at him with disgust!?
" go home Amanda. I'll see you at school. " he said and started walking away. I pulled his hand making him look at me.

" if you want to think like I was probably looking at you with disgust. Go and think whatever you want " I snapped at him. His brown eyes softened. I let him out of my grasp and went to my door.

" bye Damien! "

I locked my door and went inside. Heading to my living room. I saw Blake and Emily cuddling together. I smiled at how adorable they looked. I went to my couch and flopped down . Being tired I couldn't stop my eyes from fluttering close.


I can't be tamed... I can't be saved... I can't be changed I can't be...

My annoying alarm.

"Ugh.. No.. I hate school.. " I mumbled in my pillow. Nonetheless I got up and started getting ready. I got in the shower and the cool water helped me relax my muscles. Getting put I didn't feel like dressing anything special. So I went for a black T shirt and black jeans with red snickers. I pulled my hair in messy ponytail and was ready. Heading downstairs I grabbed an apple and went out. My school wasn't that far and I wasn't running late so I started walking.

Reaching my school I straight headed to my locker. Today I had....
"wow.. Great two boring classes to attend " I grumbled under my breath. I took my necessary items and shoved it in my bag. I didn't see Emily or Blake anyone. I wonder where they are.. Walking down the hallways I turned right and froze in my tracks. Emily was trapped between four guys and she was struggling under one's grip. I recognized the boy. James. I ran to them and punched him in the gut.

"what the?!!.. "

I punched him again and he fell to the ground. The other three boys launched at me tackling me to the ground. Emily caught hold of one and fought. I on the other hand had to manage two guys. I bit ones hand and kicked the other in his shins. He groaned. James on the other hand got up and pulled my shirt tearing it. I internally groaned. I quickly dodged his kick but his punch came straight to my nose making it bleed. I fell on the ground with a thud.

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