We did that.
We followed her directions and in two minutes of almost running we were there.

My heart was hammering and when they told me Malia and Mandine to go in the cab they would take a taxi and meet us there I didnt even try to argue.

My whole mission was to get this baby in the hospital.

The whole time it was whimpering and everytime he or she gasped out of no where my heart would skip a beat or two and the whole time I held her or him onto my chest trying to provide as much warmth as possible I kept sending a prayer to keep this baby safe and alive.

I couldn't handle the baby dying in my hands.

None of us talked.
And I had a feeling both Malia and Mandine matched my emotions and developed an intolerable hate for whoever thought that they could just throw away a live baby like garbage.

We finally reached and to say that I had never been relieved to see a nurse in my whole life like I saw her that time I wouldn't be lying.

"Please help the baby.
We found her outside in the cold and we don't know how long it has been there.
Please help us" when the nurse heard that she paled and called for the energy room to spare and prepare a bed.

After a minute or two after the baby carried away they boys arrived and asked us what went on and if we got news to tell them.

Malia told them that they just took the baby away and told us to wait.

I on the other hand was too scared to talk.
What if questions started running in my mind.

What if the baby dies.
Whay if the baby survives.
What if I was too late to save the baby.
What ifs and what ifs flooded my mind and I didnt know what to do.

"Give yourself a break for a minute will ya?" Mandine said looking at me as she dropped a hand on my shoulder.

"That baby is mine" I said looking at her in a defensive way.

I was just twenty one.

"Definetly" she said after seeing the look in my eyes.

I really didnt know how I was going to provide for a baby at this state but I wasn't going to let the baby get away from me.

Was the mother going to come for him or her.
Would I have to go to court if the mother or the family wanted the child back.

Many questions ran in my head and the coming nurse is the one who saved me after sitting for almost an hour outside in the waiting room lost in my own thoughts.

She stood infront of us with a smile on her face and we all stood.
Gathering all around her we waited for the news she would tell us.

"The baby is fine.
Thank goodness you brought him just in time before any of his delicate organs could get affected by the cold and he is only one week old according to our tests" she said looking at us.

"It looks like you are life savers after all" she said and turned to walk away but not before telling us that we could go to see the baby.

Another nurse came along and guided us to the room the small baby was in after the first thing I noticed was the peaceful look on the sleeping baby.

My heart melted right away and I knew from that moment on that this young man stole my heart.
He got it wrapped around his tiny fingers.

One week old and already someone trying to kill you.

That day I called my mother.
Told her everything and she asked a thousand of questions.

She volunteered to be coming at my place to pick him up every time I would go to school or even babysit him there.

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