"Yea I didn't really need to," I shrugged, "I didn't need to take them out to get what I wanted."

"As a female I think I should be insulted by that," she said giving me a pointed look. "But why change your mind now?"

"Because, she's different. She's my mate. I want everything to be perfect."

She smiled. "Then you can figure it out. And make it perfect for her." I opened my mouth to protest but she cut me off. "You can do it. Only you can make it special."

"So you're not going to help....again?"

"Nope. But don't worry I won't stop the others from helping. Though please use you're common sense when listening to their ideas."

I laughed. "They're not that bad."

"I wouldn't be surprised if one of them told you to use the caveman ways of hitting her over the head and taking her home," she said as she rolled her eyes.

"Okay okay," I said laughing even harder. I wouldn't put that one past Ralph. She got up and gave me a hug. "Is this pay back for not supporting you and Blake in the beginning?" I asked.

"Maybe," she said giving me her mischievous grin. And with that I was dismissed as she turned away from me.

I went to my room trying to see what I could come up with. I was going to have to ask Tom where he took her, I don't want to take her to the same place. It still angers me to think they went on a date. I heard a knock on the door. I sniffed the air, of course its Anya.

"What do you want?" I called.

She opened the door and came in. "You can't tell me to come in like a normal person?"

"If I told you not to, you would've anyway."

She giggled and walked towards the window sill. "What are you thinking about?"


"You only sit here to think."

I looked at her and sighed. "I'm thinking about my mate."

"I'm right here babe," she said rubbing her hand down my arm.

I shook her hand off. "You're not my mate."

She scoffed. "Please don't tell me you're thinking about that human." I growled in warning, but she continued, "Just fuck her and get her out of your system."

I shot up from the window and grabbed her by her throat. "If you ever speak of her like that again, I will kill you," I said. I could feel my eyes turning black as my wolf felt the need to protect his mate. "Understood?"

She made an attempt to respond, but my hold on her throat was too strong, and only a noise came out. "That had better been a yes." I let go of her throat, as she tried to catch her breath I said, "Now get out!" My voice was laced with my alpha authority.

She scrambled to get out as soon as possible. I turned to sit back down.

"Have you gone to the diner yet?" I asked Raphael through the mind link.

"No. I knew you were going earlier so I didn't bother", he responded.

"Go check on her".

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