Trio: uM (what even is this)

Start from the beginning

I dragged Andrew behind me as I made my way to Foz's room.

Just as I suspected, there was NO metal in his room.

Just Foz typing.

I still can't believe he only wrote one sentence in chapter 4. Write more next time!!!

End of chapter 5

Chapter 6

Narrated by:Foz

And Nancy

Why Xuli had to Step in...


I hate being shooed out by Foz.

Is he even still there?

I bit Andrew's ear even harder. HE WILL MEET THE WRONG END OF MY CAT TEETH..............

Calm down Nancy!

You get angry too easily. I suggest you try yoga.


Foz: Uh oh...

Nancy: AAAHHH!!!

Xuli: End of chapter 6...

Andrew: Wait, we're on chapter 6?

Nancy: AAAHHH!!!

Chapter 7 Narrated by Foz

And Lars

When Foz built a mini Vroomster

It's the Foz- ster!!!

So now Foz has a mini Vroomster.

It's the Fozster!!!

Yeah, so Foz is... what, test driving it?

Chrystahl: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!


Is he even still there?????!!!!!!!!??????????????


Wow, Foz...

End of ch. 7

Chapter 8 Narrated by Xuli

The new academy and the failure of the Christmas Prom

Evidently, my dress was ready a long time ago.

Kyan made it for my ' birthday'.

Speaking of him, Why hasn't Kyan written a chapter yet? He was supposed to write chapter 4. I know Foz only wrote 1 sentence, it was because Kyan had to step in sometime....

Where is he, anyway?



Is Kyan bungee jumping again? He has to come write his chapter... and fast, or I'll write the chapter for him.

So, the Go Jetters academy made a new version of the academy called the go Jette academy.It's for female Go Jetters like Isabel, Nancy, Crystahl and me. I hate the idea that I'll be separated from you guys, but I'll still write chapters!

Oh, and I also hate the idea that Andrew will drive the Vroomster.

I mean, I'm not fussing over it or anything, the problem is that I just hate him.

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