Chapter 41: Downhill

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So that what it was, Reaper mused to himself.

Chara, the corrupted soul, had been pulling the strings all along. She'd been spreading chaos right under their noses. The reason was still unknown nor how did she, a mere human before, have acquired such corrupted powers in the first place.

Gaster, the god of magic was still under suspicion. The only suspect they have. The case was further strengthened when he was found in the dungeon where Chara was being held at that time. Although battered and unconscious, the fact that he was found there was a big question mark. Not to mention the absence of the barrier that imprisoned Chara.

No matter how they look at the case, it was obvious treason, but the King and Queen shall only pass judgment after the trial, which might take a while since Toriel, the goddess of life, refused to assist in healing him. Not after she learned of the accusation placed upon the ancient god.


Geno stirred awake and once again found himself alone. Although he wasn't too worried about it like the last time.

Instead, he reminisced the feelings of the joyful explosion in his soul once he received the others' message. It was a wonderful feeling.

He caught sight of the two empty beer cans on the beside wardrobe and broke out into a stupidly wide grin.

Stretching out his limbs, he rolled off the bed and after checking for his scarf, he hurried downstairs. He felt great and refreshed without a hint of a hangover. That's the first.

He saw the fiery sunlight pouring in from the bare windows at a low angle. Sunset, huh? He had slept the entire day away.

Brushing off the irrelevant thought, he scanned the room for Reaper. He proceeded to the kitchen when he didn't spot him.

The next area was empty as well but Geno caught sight of the familiar sleek black rectangular device lying harmlessly on the counter.

He practically ran over to it like a giddy child eager for a present. He checked Reaper's phone and found it fully charged.

Unplugging the small device, he noticed the lack of security and easily unlocked the screen. He fiddled with it as he went back to the living room, seeking the comfort that the couch could definitely provide.

He reached the couch in no time and played that video again while he was waiting for Reaper's return.

At one point, he tried to call Mettaton, as per her own request, but the call wasn't able to get through. He tried just a few more times but he really can't get through.

Confused, Geno tried calling another number. He found his under the name 'My Sweet Geno'. Geno wasn't sure if he should be annoyed or what. Tapping on it, he waited.

It didn't even ring.

"Who are you calling?"

Geno jumped at the unexpectedly loud, deep voice coming from his right. He looked up to find Reaper standing a little off to the side of the couch. A grim adorning his 'lips' and a disapproving look in his eyes.

"Um," Geno began. By the mere look on Reaper's face, Geno knew he was in trouble. "My number..."

Reaper knew very well that Geno's phone was left in Sans' house, specifically in Frisk's hands. But that didn't make it any less of a risk for Geno to talk to Sans. His frown deepened.

As much as possible, Reaper wouldn't want Geno to talk to, or meet, that wretched bastard again. Leaving Geno's phone back there was not a mistake. It's the only thing that served as Sans' connection to Geno; the little thing that allows them to communicate despite the distance. Reaper didn't want that.

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