"Sounds like a great plan." She agreed.

"Then get dressed." James kissed her lips and it was his turn to get inside the shower.

They left after half an hour. The street was crowded, and the sky was blue, practically clean with only a few clouds here and there. There was this wind gusting that stung cold in their ears though. Rafaela shivered.

"It's cold!" She said.

"This is New York and winter is getting here." He said.

He then grabbed her hand and they walked down the street while James made funny comments about people's faces and clothes, making her laugh. They stopped at the first coffee shop they've found; it was packed with people trying to escape the cold that suddenly could be felt out on the street. The newly married couple chose a table near the window from where they could observe the rush on the streets.

Rafaela looked around at the buildings and though she loved that city a lot, she preferred, from far, San Francisco. It was much warmer and much calmer, especially the new place where James had bought the house. A man came to give them the menu and they chose the "English Breakfast" compounded by two fried eggs, two toasts, beans, bacon, coffee and orange juice. Rafaela didn't know if she would be able to eat that as the day before she had to skip the bacon, but she tried.

While waiting for the breakfast to be served, James grabbed her left hand and looked at the ring and then kissed her palm. He couldn't believe he had been the one to put that ring on her finger. His eyes, then, searched for hers and they smiled at each other.

"How's the first morning as a married woman?" He asked her.

"I haven't sink it in yet." She confessed, then she stared at her ring. "Though it feels good to be wearing this. I am proud of it too." Then she grabbed his hand. "But there's this good feeling in my heart when I realize that I am married to you."

"I am happy." He simply said and there was no need from him to say more. His eyes showed that happiness he was just telling her about.

Done with their meal, they decided to walk until the park, Central Park. That place was like taking them away from reality, it seemed like they weren't in a big city but in the middle of nature. There was green everywhere, sparrows, pigeons, ducks, lakes, it was absolutely phenomenal, and Rafaela was having a blast. That was, in fact, the place she loved the most in New York.

Rafaela fed the pigeons under James' loving stare, then they sat by the lake just talking about their life and their problems, oblivious, for a moment, to the so expected pregnancy. Then, they walked down the park again, stopping here and there for kisses and hugs, laughter, and other things passionate couples do. They had lunch in a Kiosk inside the park. Cheeseburgers were their meal and she began to feel exhausted after it.

"My legs are sore." Rafaela complained sitting down on the grass and James sat by her side.

"We stay here for a little while and then we go." James said. Rafaela lied down, resting her head on his legs and immediately his hand caressed her wavy hair.

"You're glowing." He said tenderly looking down at her face.

"Because I am happy." She said back, then his cell rang.

"It's the detective!" James exclaimed and Rafaela got up to sit again. Her heart began to race and so did his.

"Mr. Hetfield, Hawk here..." The man began and James just wished he'd stop the formalities and go down straight to business. If he was calling him, then it was because something happened.

"How are you?" He still asked to be polite. His hands were shaking.

"I am fine. Hope all is well on your side too." The detective said politely.

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