The boy who was a girl (1)

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Warning: Transphobia, Bullying

The student walked away from the torture that was called school, away from a hectic and toxic environment. The Aldera Junior High student walked into the suburbs of the prefecture and towards a certain cafe to meet a friend. The student walked in and sat at one of the empty tables waiting for a friend to arrive. Hitoshi Shinsou sat across from his, somewhat, childhood friend. "How was school?" Hitoshi asked as he dropped his school bag onto the floor. "Same as usual. You?" The student asked.

"Heh... Same as usual. So, Izuku, you get the survey as well?" Hitoshi smiled to Izuku Midoriya.

"Of course." Izuku smiled back.

"You're still going to choose UA right? I can't go without my only friend."

"Haha! Definitely!" Izuku and Hitoshi talked, ordered what they wanted, drank, ate and just spent time together. The bell on the door rings, signalling that another patriot has entered the quaint cafe, this is one of the reasons that Izuku likes this cafe. 'I love this place. I get to meet up with Hitoshi here, it's quiet and calm, very few people know me, it's old-timey with very little electronics and Bakugo has no idea that this place exists so he can't ruin it.'



'I just jinxed it didn't I?'



As if on cue Izuku heard the tell-tale voice of his ex-childhood friend, Katsuki Bakugo. "This is just a cafe? What's so good about it?" His gruff voice entered the cafe slightly drowned out by the chatter of his lackeys and 'entourage'.

"Shit," Hitoshi muttered.

"Well, well, well. Look at that! It's little Deku and... a villain." Katsuki's gruff voice chuckled as Izuku heard it approach them. When Izuku looked up Katsuki was right next to them sneering.

"H-hi K-kacchan!" Izuku stuttered out.

"Get the fuck out. This is my cafe now." Katsuki growled. Defeated Izuku started to gather the things that were on the table and other things when Hitoshi lightly clasped Izuku's hand and squeezed.

"No. We were here first so we won't leave. Why don't you leave? We both know you wouldn't come here nearly as much as we do." Hitoshi argued in a lazy tone as he leaned back into his chair. Izuku tensed a little. Katsuki looked at them pissed. "Who the fuck do you think you are!" he yelled, disturbing the other people in the establishment.

"According to you... a villain. Also, I'm very good friends with the owner and she does not like loud people, especially egotistical, stupid, assholes. I would hate to banish you from this fine establishment, you would hate that too, wouldn't you?"

"Shu-" Katsuki's yelling was cut short.

"Leave the cafe, if you do want to stay understand and follow the rules that were set by the owner." Hitoshi ordered. Katsuki left the cafe and the owner came up to us.

"You guys ok?" she asked

"Yeah, we're fine mum." Hitoshi smiled at his mother. If you did not know they are related you would miss it but if you did then you would be able to see the similarities; the purple hair, though Hitoshi's is darker, the purple eyes, tired look and their quirks are rather similar. Izuku watched them for a moment before Hitoshi's mother, Mihoko, turned to Izuku. "Hello, Izuku! How are you? I haven't seen you in a while."

"Oh, I'm fine. Actually, about not seeing each other, my mum wants to know is you, your husband and Hitoshi would like to come over for dinner at some point." Izuku smiled, remembering what Inko said.

"Oh! I would love to! Please tell Inko that she can contact us whenever she wants." Mihoko smiled.

"I'll let her know!" Izuku smiled back. Hitoshi and Izuku spent a bit more time together before Izuku got a text asking Izuku home. Izuku takes his leave and goes home. Izuku goes home, greets Inko then goes to the room labelled with the name he chose. He stepped in and got undressed, taking off the uniform from Aldera then took off the binder that was strapped to him for hours. He took a deep breath and changed into clothes that are loose and oversized on him.

Deku was eating dinner with his parents, his dad home from one of his rare visits. there was no conversation, the only sound was the utensils hitting the plates. "How's school Izuku?" Inko asked trying to start a conversation.

"Fine. I've been doing well with academics." Izuku explained

"That's good to know," Hisashi muttered

"Um... what about friends?" Inko tried again

"Um... not good..." He muttered.

"Because of what you are." Hisashi murmured. I cringe and shrunk slightly.

"Hisashi!" Inko yelled

"What?" Hisashi yelled, offended

"Why are you like this? Izuku is our child!"

"We did not name our child 'Izuku'. We named our child another name." He argued. Izuku smacked his utensils down.

"Onakaipai," Izuku muttered as he stood, "I'm going to my room." Izuku climbed into his bed, curled up and tried to go to sleep. When he finally did it was restless and nightmare full.



Did I start an entirely new story because my brain suddenly made this up... yes. Please understand that I, myself, am not a trans person so I do not know all the hardships and other that trans people do go through, I simply wrote this because I wanted to and to, hopefully, spread awareness and let people know that, either, they are not alone to have some idea of what trans people really go through.

Anyways, if there is anything that anyone wants to add or suggest, feel free to let me know.

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