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        second chapter

        AS LOUIS WOKE UP from his deep slumber, he found out that he was changed out of his tunic and into a new one, and he's wearing wool pants. He yawned, looking out his window to find that the sun has set, and there's noise downstairs.

        "Such foolish leisure." He cursed under his breath before pushing himself up, covering his feet with his leather boots before trudging downstairs as he tossed around with his hair.

        He walked past minstrels and into his specific chair beside his father and across his mother. Charlotte and Felicite was beside him, and Phoebe and Daisy were beside his mother. Guards were stood at their posts, still and frozen. 

        "I see you have awakened." The King spoke up over the music of the minstrels. "What a havoc you are, even your own mother had to take care of you."

        "I was under the influence of liquor, Father." Louis breathed out an answer. "To add onto that, I was also wounded." He gestured to his arm. 

        "You are wounded because of your carelessness, William." Louis closed his eyes in annoyance, clearly losing the appetite to eat and hear his father call him by his second name.

        "My name is Louis." Louis straightened out his back in respect. "It has never become William."

        "Your mother and I still named you William and I shall use it whenever I please." The king's voice grew louder in agitation.

        Louis stared around the table, at his sisters and mother who had stopped eating; most likely wondering why they were fighting over a name but it's not the only problem there. The king was a great man, Louis believed that, if only he didn't constantly shove the fact that Louis was a disgrace to royalty to his face. 

        "I will skip supper. Now, if you will excuse me," Louis stood up from his chair, its soles shrieking on the floor before he exited the dining hall. The minstrel's music faltered a little bit but then goes back up. 

        He made his way outside. The castle was large enough for him to walk around for days but he will not go inside until he was assured that he wouldn't see his father. He reached the training zone of the castle, where bows and arrows, and swords were everywhere, as well as the targets. He didn't acknowledge the swords, he picked one arrow and one bow up, holding them up with one hand to his side.

        He eyed the target standing tall meters away from him as he nocked the arrow, stretching the string and his eyes lined up with the point of the arrow. He released the arrow and instantly, it landed near the center of the straw, the arrow wobbling slightly. He went for another one and now it landed further from the previous arrow.

        He frowned.

        As his third one missed the target completely, he threw both weapons on the ground in distress, his lungs gasping for air like mad and the prince had no idea why.

        He's a great disappointment when he should not be and it's expected of him to be more mature and responsible in his title in this castle. He should not fool around. Better yet, he should make his family proud instead of feeling like they want to replace their son.

        "Louis?" The sweet voice of his mother trailed by the prince's ears. He turned around, finding his mother standing there in her elegant form. 

        "Mother." Louis breathed, shaking his head. His vision blurred for a second until he realized that he had tears in his eyes. "I am terribly sorry."

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