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[A/N]: religious aspects will be mentioned.

tenth chapter

“DID I NOT TELL you that you should not lift a single finger?” Conrad scolded, coming into Harry’s room where Harry had stood up and ready to go out when Conrad came barging in.

“I was just planning to go outside. For a … um.. fresh air.” Harry muttered, sitting back on his bed now that Conrad had blocked his way.

“You have fresh air, lad.” Conrad gestured to the window by Harry’s bed, “Your sickness is contagious, and if you spread it, you will get in trouble when the lords find out its source.”

“Alright.” Harry untied his shoes once again and slipped them off, “I will stay here, but I will come with when it’s time for lunch.”

“There will be an important announcement later, I heard, and everyone’s advised to come.” Conrad informed him, “Which means you cannot.”

Pouting, Harry laid back down on his bed, “I do not want to be sick anymore.”

“Tell yourself that for not taking care of yourself better.”


Conrad ignored him, “If you need help on anything, call me.”

Harry settled back in his bed, even though it’s not that comfortable with the one he had at home, “Thank you, Conrad.”

“No problem, kid.”

Instead of trying to sneak and rebel against Conrad’s instructions, Harry pushed himself up to grab his quill pen and small bottle of ink. He took a piece of paper and sat up to use his wooden nightstand as something firm and flat to write on. He already wrote to his family about four days ago, and the servants were only advised to send letters off every week. Harry still had three days more, but he had no choice. He’s bored out of his mind.


“How can Johannah say that?” Niall said, and Louis watched as the brunette pace back and forth, “I thought she was supportive of you?! And—Lou, I am aware that she’s your mother but I heard the things that she said and it is not at all pleasant!”

Louis looked down at his fidgeting hands. Both of them are in Niall’s room that he shared with three other people; Luke, Alberto, and Clifford. Niall physically dragged Clifford out of the room. Clifford would normally protest, but that time he let himself be dragged because of the presence of the prince. All servants held an ever-growing jealousy towards Niall due to the strong friendship he had with the prince of Aylmesforthe (they’d be even more envious when they found out about his relationship with one of the lords.)

“She was just … overwhelmed.” Louis convinced himself, looking up at his friend with his eyes red and puffy. They had put themselves in for about half an hour, and had been walked in on mid-conversation by both Luke and Alberto. Luke was cursing out on somebody, seemingly planned to run and hide in their room before he realized that the prince and Niall were already there, and he bowed down to the prince several times before leaving the room with bright red cheeks. Alberto only sauntered in, but immediately left.

“That is still not acceptable, Louis.”

“What is, Niall?” Louis willed his voice to stay low, “My mother has a right to get angry at me because the thought of me liking my own gender has not crossed her mind once and it’s too much for her. It’s my fault for letting myself get carried away by one person and—“

“Louis, are you even hearing yourself?!” Niall gaped in shock, his eyebrows furrowed, “You sound completely ridiculous! You cannot be sorry for being who you are! If there is someone to blame then it’s them! You have not done anything wrong and yet they are criticizing you! Even your own mother should respect that!”

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