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            [A/N]: this chapter is extremely cute tbh I like it.

            seventeenth chapter

            "Happy, son?" Louis jumped at the sudden voice, and he whipped around to see his mother standing by the doorway of the kitchen.

Louis had entered the castle with quite a large grin, and his knees pumping slightly as he practically skipped and bounced off across the castle. It was apparent that the  prince was radiating in happiness and that he wasn't ashamed to show it. Never when the person he had liked turned out to have same feelings towards him. It's a great gift.

            "Oh, mother, you're still awake." Louis released a nervous breath, "I thought you have gone to sleep?"

            "Your father's snores are enough to wake up dozen men." She yawned pitifully, and she's holding a mug of what Louis assumed to be tea, "You, however, by this time of the night, you'd be grumpy when you're awaken."

            "I was um..." Louis tried to reason out, "I wasn't asleep, Mother."

            "What were you doing outside, then?"

            Louis winced, "Just doing some wandering around the castle, checking the areas and all."

            "You would not do that at nine in the evening." She challenged, "Where were you?"

            "I met up with Niall, Mother." Louis shrugged, because it was partially true; he did meet Niall at the garden, but it wasn't planned whatsoever.

            "Really? Because I saw your page –Niall, is it?, yes, and he was waiting outside your door." The queen tilted her head to the side with a little smirk, "I understand that you two have a good relationship as friends, but is there something more than that?"

            "What-" Louis spluttered, and then he's laughing, "Mother, I would never ever go for that buffoon."

            "Are you sure?"

            "Yes, Mother." Louis calmed himself, tuning his laughter down to a giggle.

            "Then, who was it? I am willing to know." She said seriously, and she gestured the prince to follow her. She led him through a doorway and into their large living room. She sat down on a wooden settle with red and gold cushions on it. Louis sat on the other one, ready to be interrogated and at the same time, not.


 "Tell me." The queen smiles, "I would not get too excited like the last time."

            "Mother." Louis gulped, "You aren't that ... ready with me being .. um.. a homosexual-"

            "Wasn't. I wasn't ready, but now I am willing to be because I am your mother and I respect you and your decisions. If you love that person as much as I love your father, then I have no problem with it." She reassured, and she looked genuine and caring.

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