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 [A/N]: since the boys are back for tour again, the fandom is now away from danger of extinction due to boredom because of Harry's ass grinding and body bending, Niall's sporting and that damn glued hat, Louis' constant crinkled eyes (and tHE NEXT TO YOUS GODDAMNIT), Liam's dubsmashes and Zayn's (laugh-worthy) green hair.

 P.S; I won't be removing Zayn out of this fanfic any time soon, because even before he quit the band, he was already in the story and he had an important event coming for him in the near ending.

 P.P.S: I didn't get to edit because I was writing on my phone and my sister was using our computer for job applying problems.

 twentieth chapter

"IT IS NICE SEEING you again." Louis smiled as Eleanor stepped beside him and linked their arms together. Their parents, with Johannah's exception, walked in front of them and into the castle, chattering loudly and obnoxiously.

After Louis' 'talk' with his father was finished, two hours later, his father was visiting him again to inform that the prince needs to get ready for Wunderburg. The trip was long, and they got to the castle with Eleanor and her parents waiting for them.

"Sure." Eleanor snorted -very unlady-like- and then smiled, "How is your morning? Or perhaps... the past few days since the last time I have seen you?"

"It will be quite a long story, hm?" But Louis fonded at the memories.

Eleanor leaned over to examine his face, full of fond and happiness, "I can tell it will be interesting. How long will you and your father stay here?"

"For a few hours, I presume." Louis answered, "Just enough time to eat luncheon and talk about the ... marriage."

"I still..." They finally entered the castle, and the babbles of the royalties were even louder because of the echo. Eleanor continued, "... find it bizarre. This whole marriage will surely flop."

Louis bit down on his lip, and he was quitely debating in his mind. During those two hours earlier, Louis had ran to Niall and dragged the brunette to the servant's dorms and into his room, and he practically ranted to Niall all about his correct presumptions and the 'deal' his father made with him (which he agreed to quite pitifully and easily, really.)

"Eleanor, Louis, come!" Eleanor's father beckoned them to walk faster.

Louis murmured, "Let us talk about it later."

The two follows the three adults where they sat on the long dinner table where food and silverwares were already laid out neatly. Eleanor sat beside her mother while Louis sat a seat away from his father. King Griffin sat on the center and the queen sat on his left. Their lunch started immediately, and Louis subtly winced whenever Eleanor's father let out a large boom of deep laughter. It was quite... bothersome.

"So, about this wedding; everyone needs to know about this, am I right?" Griffin asked. Which, no. No one needs to know about it.

Louis looked up from his food and at his father, silently asking for help, this time instead of the usual glare, because they made a deal, and Louis bloody believed it and grasped it.

Mark looked back at him, and he cleared his throat, "Actually, Griffin." Thank mercy, "I think we should get everything done, yes? Get the suits and dresses tailored, assign the people and everything. It is a grand wedding, after all."

Louis pursed his lips at the thought of everybody in the country fawning over Eleanor and him. The guests would wear expensive and shiny jewelry and clothes and the banquet would contain the most delectable food and drinks. The church would be very overly decorated with gold and anything that screams wedding. Everyone would think, Oh, they look so in love, they would make an inspiring and beautiful family, yet they wouldn't know anything about the relationship between Eleanor and him -which was nothing but friendship-

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