Chapter 47: Time Machine*

Start from the beginning

"Stand up! Get up!" Younger Erza yells and she kicks both Natsu and Gray.

"That's nothing like how you remember it!!" Gray and Natsu yell at Erza.

In the background, Erza is chasing Natsu and Gray for eating her strawberry cake. My younger self with Bonnie, we're laughing our butts off.

"Y'know... instead of watching this, we should find a way back to our time." Bonnie says. Erza, Lucy, and I agree with her.

"They're gone!" Lucy then exclaims. We look to find Natsu, Gray, and Happy gone.

"Those idiots! Lucy, Y/N, Bonnie, go find them!! Now!!" Erza orders us.

"O-Ok!" Lucy said and we start making our way. Erza grabs us by the back of our collars though.

"You'll need to disguise yourselves." Erza uses her requip magic to give Lucy a sexy bunny suit. I got one similar to hers except my bodysuit is black. Bonnie uses transformation magic to turn human. Due to time, these are the only outfits could give us.

"Alright. Go and I'll read to find a way." Erza orders. The three of us nods and start heading inside the Fairy Tail guild. We look inside.

"Wow!" I say and look around. I look and see everyone so young. Shadow Gear, the Strauss siblings, Macao, Wakaba. Lucy was admiring everything too.

"Remember, Erza said we can't make contact with people from the past!" Bonnie reminds us. Lucy and I both nod, before we could leave though, Master appears at the door.

"Two bunny girls!" Master says and it catches the attention of everyone else. I place my hand over my thigh, where my Fairy Tail emblem is placed.

> time skip

"Do you know what year we're in?" Lucy asks me as we walk through the town of Magnolia.

"X778." Bonnie answers for me since I had no clue.

"When did you join?" Lucy asks me. I think back at the day I joined Fairy Tail. A table hit me. Natsu hit me with the table.

"After Natsu. Maybe late x777. Erza, Gray, and Natsu had already joined the guild when Bonnie and I joined." I answer.


"Really?! It's okay?!" Pinkie asks. I nod.

"It's not okay!" A strong voice booms. "You hit a girl with her cat! For that, you'll pay." A girl with scarlet hair says and a sword appears in her hand. She's very pretty.

"Erza!" Pinkie exclaims and gets behind me, hiding from her. Erza. The boy with midnight hair was laughing his ass off. Finding pinkie being scared was amusing to him.

"Erza! How about we continue our fight, huh?" A girl with white hair chimes in. She's pretty too, but scary.

"H-How about you take us to your master?" I say, trying to calm everyone down.

"Master? Why?" A girl with brown hair and orange dress walks up to Bonnie and I.

"I want to join!" I tell her. She smiles and another girl with short blue hair walks up to me.

"What magic do you use?" The blue hair girl asks me.

"Dragon Slayer." I answer.

"You're a Dragon Slayer?! I'm Natsu! Nice to meet you!" Natsu comes from behind me and in front of me. He grabs my hand and starts shaking it like crazy.

"Lemme take you to master!" A girl with short white hair and a pink dress walks up. She takes my hand and starts taking me to the Master's office.

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