Chapter 34: The Opening

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Natsu's p.o.v

"Where's your guild mark?" I ask Y/N. She slightly raises her skirt to reveal a (F/C) emblem. She cheers, "It's so pretty!"

I clench my teeth as I hear everyone sobbing. I turn back to see Y/N closing her eyes and the hand that was on Happy, drops the floor. "Y/N... is also a threat to the Eclipse and humanity." Rogue says

"Shut up! Enough already... Her and I would never put anyone in danger!" Lucy yells at Rogue.

"You haven't shut it yet and she hasn't cast the spell yet, but you will. A few hours from now."

"I'm not going to shut the gate and she's not going to cast some stupid spell! Why do you keep accusing us?! What's your goal anyway?!" Lucy cries.

"The gate will close. It will happen." He spats. "As long as you remain alive!"

"I know myself and I know I won't shut up. Y/N said the gate won't shut. I choose to believe her!" Lucy argues back.

"Everything has already been decided by fate!" Rogue yells and start charging up another attack.

"Then I'll just turn your fate into a pile of ashes!" I scream and punch him with my fist covered in flames. The punch sends him flying and as tears run down my face I say, "I won't let anyone take (Y/N)'s future from her!"

"Save the future."

"I promise!"


A/N: back to your regular p.o.v hehe

-Y/N's p.o.v-

I stand next to Sting, Lector, and Bonnie as the King explains what's to come to Fiore. Ten thousand dragons. "As we speak, a large scale plan is underway in the castle." The king informs us.

The Eclipse.

"This plan's arm is to wipe out the ten thousand dragons in one fell swoop. Indeed, given the dragons' sheer numbers, we expect a handful or even a few hundred will survive."

"I would assume so as well." Bonnie comments as I hold her in my arms.

"I implore you, guild wizards. Please lend us your assistance. I ask for your help in slaying the surviving dragons. I beg you," He bows, "Please save this kingdom!"

Shouts erupted as everyone agrees to help. Everyone is so determined to help, determined to save Fiore. I look over at Sting and Lector who are on my right and they smile at me. I turn to Rogue and Frosch to my left, who smile at me too. Finally I look down at Bonnie who's looking up at me.

"We're up against dragon..." Sting said.

"That means it's time for us Dragon Slayers to shine." Rogue said afterwards.

"Good luck guys!" Lector cheers.

"Fro is cheering for you too!" Frosch says next.

"Thank you..." The king repeats over and over again, "Thank you... kabo."

It goes dead silent. "K-kabo?" I question.

"That parfum of that unique phrase..." Ichiya comments.

The king realises what he says and looks around. He clears his throat and says, "We're counting on you all!" We all shout again, ready for the dragons to come. I stop cheering around when I feel an immense amount of power. The same amount of power I felt when I first saw the Eclipse. I guess that means it's opening.

A church bell starts ringing and it's heard all over Crocus. A new day. July 7th. "Same day our dragons disappear... dragons appear again?" Sting wonders.

"Bonnie, is there a way you could go and find Natsu and them?" I ask Bonnie. She nods and jumps out of my arms. "Stay safe, Y/N." She tells me and I say it right back to her.

"Are you ready?" Sting asks me and extends his fist out. I nod and we fist bump before going to our positions. "You two better make it back alive!" I shout and Sting and Rogue before they're out of sight. In return they give me thumbs up, assuring me they'll be just fine.

As I'm running, the whole place starts to rumble and the power gets more intense. And then something destroys much of the city. "It came from the castle." I say to myself as I look into the direction of the castle. More and more rumbling. Then I see it. 3 dragons walking around. Once I look up, I see them all of them roaming up in the sky. Seven dragons, I was able to spot in the sky.

I see them all land somewhere. Then one lands in front of me. A blue one with spots. Here I go. "Fire dragon: roar!" It hits it head on, but when the smoke clears, there's not a single scratch on it. Something thing starts charging up in it's mouth.

As it he shoots it, I cross my arms over my face in an X form and a huge force field appears in front of me. The attacks hurts me a bit, but for the most part, all it did was push me back. After the attack, I was too late to realise that it was swinging it's claw down. I was too late to dodge and with one attack, it sends me flying.

Instead of landing on hard concrete, I actually fly and not even land at all. When I open my eyes, it's Sting who caught. "Nice catch!" I pat his chest and he lets me down. I'm not fighting with Sabertooth, something I did not think I would be doing. I see that their dragon is a red one. Orga and Rufus are currently attacking it with ice magic and black lightning magic.

They're actually holding themselves up pretty good. "Seein' how Fairy Tail fought changed our mindset a little!" Orga tells me once he notices my presence. I smiled at his kind words and I see the dragon fall.

"It stopped moving!" Frosch pointed out.

"Did they beat it?!" Lector asked.

The dragon stands back up again and destroys Rufus and Orga's attack. "It had no damage?!" Orga exclaims.

"If I recall Sting and Rogue beat their dragon when they were little." Rufus points out.

Sting looks down and answers, "You're half right." Sting and Rogue start explaining their story.

"Whatever! Just take it out with your Dragon Slayer magic!" Orga tells them. The dragon starts destroying buildings around us.

"I didn't think dragons could be this powerful!" Sting says.

"Even so, I want to protect my friends." Rogue says determined.

"I want to live to see tomorrow." I add as I step forward, closer to the dragon. "We can do this, as long as we put all our magic together."

"Let's go!" Sting says as we run towards the dragon.

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