Chapter 27: Four Dragons

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I open my eyes and see I'm in infirmary. I groan as my body is aching everywhere. "Y/N!" I hear Wendy say and walk over to me. Slowly I sit up.

"Hey kid." I smile. I look to my side and both Elfman and Lucy. And as I'm about to stand up from my bed, Wendy asks me where I'm going.

"To compete in the games." I answer and she shakes her head.

"I was given orders to keep you here. Actually, Natsu-san gave me orders that if you stand up from this bed, I'd be forced to tackle you." She informs me.

"What about my team?"

"Due to the elimination of Raven Tail, Fairy Tail had to combine both teams. The team is Laxus, Erza, Gray, Gajeel, and Natsu."

"I can't imagine any of the five failing." I smile.


Carla stares at Y/N as she has a conversation with Wendy. That vision. The castle falling. Y/N crying...


"And today are the tag battles right?" I ask Wendy and she nods, "Gajeel and Natsu against Sabertooth's Sting and Rogue."

I remove the sheets of me and stand up, "You can't leave!" Wendy cries.

"I have to support Natsu—" And as I open the door, Natsu is standing on the other side. He smiles at me, "You're up!"

"Wendy told me you're about to fight, so I have to cheer you on." I tell him.

"I would prefer if you stayed here to rest, but I could always use my number one cheerleader." Natsu said. "I actually came to see you before we go on." He adds.

I grin, "I believe in you, Natsu. Always have and I know you're going to kick Sabertooth's butt."

"I'm doing this for you. Giving it my all against the people who laughed at you." He places his hands on my arms.

"Natsu..." I whisper.

"There's a little girl here!" Elfman teases and ruins the moment. I groan internally and Natsu removes his arm. I extend my arms out, "Carry me." I say. Natsu grabs me bridal style and takes me as far as he could. Until it was time to go.

"Good luck!" I wish him and Gajeel. As their heading out a small voice calls Natsu's name. I turn and it's Happy.

"Happy?" Natsu questions.

"I think I should get going." I say and limp to watch the match with the other Fairy Tail members.


"Y/N!" The guild cheers as they see me. I do jazz hands and take a seat next to Lisanna and Juvia. "Y/N!" Bonnie cries and takes a seat on my lap. I reassure her I'm okay and the announcer announces that the battle against Sabertooth and Fairy Tail is about to begin.



The four were standing across from each other. The tension was high and I could feel all their magic. The gong then sounded and the match started. Rogue and Sting started running towards Gajeel and Natsu, but they weren't quick enough. Instead Gajeel and Natsu both punched them in the face, sending them back.

Sting managed to get up quickly and attacked, "White Dragon's Roar!" Natsu managed to dodge the attack by an inch.

"A laser... like Y/N's." Natsu notices. Rogue then ran up to Gajeel and tried attacking him with his Shadow Dragon Slash, but Gajeel is quicker and hits Rogue with his iron club. Natsu then grabs Rogue by his face and slams him into Sting, setting his hand and both of them on fire.

"Wingbeat of the fire dragon!" Natsu yells and attacks them before they hit the ground.

"It seems that Sabertooth's twin dragons are being overpowered by Fairy Tail's dragon slayers!"

I smiled and started cheering on for Natsu and Gajeel. When I look down at Sting, he's looking up at me before turning back to the two in front of me. "I expected you two to be strong." He says.

"You defeated your dragons with powers like that?!" Natsu teases.

"Not defeat." Sting clenches his fist, "I slayed my dragon with this very hand." Sting always bragged about that when I first met him and Lector always bragged about it to Bonnie. Her and I don't really believe it, but I don't think Sting would just make something like that up.

"Shadow drive."

"White drive."

I feel an immense amount of magic power. "Drive?" I ask Bonnie, who also seems confused. I don't have a 'drive' with my white and shadow magic.

"Let's go!" Sting says with determination and goes for Natsu and Gajeel. The match turned around and now it was Sting and Rogue dominating Gajeel and Natsu. They were in sync and worked perfectly as a team. Eventually, Natsu and Gajeel got used to their tricks and Natsu became faster and attentive.

"You're good," Natsu catches Sting's fist before it collided with his face, ",but not good enough." Natsu smirks and throws Sting to the arena wall. I squeeze Bonnie a bit in excitement. Sting and Rogue stand up once again and again I feel an increase in their magic.

"You guys really are good," Sting compliments, "Guess I do have to give this fight my all."

"Dragon Slayer Arcana! Holy Nova!" Sting says and throws a strong punch towards Natsu. We all go blind because of the light for a while and I start to worry a bit about Natsu. Until I see that he blocked the attack with one hand.

"And Natsu stops the attack with one hand!"

The crowd cheers loud and I do too. Sting couldn't believe it. Natsu's clothes were torn up, but he had no damage. Natsu swung his fist and sent Sting flying back and crash into Rogue. I have to admit, I am proud of Sting. He has gotten stronger. And no matter how many times him and Rogue are pushed down, they get back up. It's admirable.

"I made a promise to Lector and I told Y/N I'd show her how much stronger I've gotten." Natsu raises a brow after Sting says that. An increase in Rogue and Sting's power again. Dragon Force. Sting tells Rogue to stand back.

He plans on taking both Natsu and Gajeel on by himself?

Sting goes to Natsu and Gajeel and dominates them all by himself. Natsu and Gajeel couldn't even land a punch on him. "White Dragon: Holy Breath!" And with one attack, Sting obliterated the floor of the arena and they were all falling down.

"No worries! We will continue viewing through lacrima vision as the match heads underneath the arena."

Gajeel and Natsu landed on their feet and kept swinging and swinging at Sting. Then the final move, "Holy Ray!"

I hear Gajeel and Natsu yell out in pain as they're hit. And they crash, not moving an inch.

"Natsu!" I cry.

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