Chapter One: Welcome Home!

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"Doesn't it feel good being back?" I say as I take in the fresh smell of Magnolia. My exceed, Bonnibell (I call her Bonnie), nods and take in a fresh sniff too. "I'm not leaving anytime soon." I say. Being away on a mission was sad and lonely. Bonnibell did keep me company though. However, the S-Class trials are starting and Makarov wanted me back for them.

"Who do you think is winning this year?" I ask Bonnie for her thoughts. She thinks for a second, "Who's all nominated?" She asks and I shrug in response.

"Maybe Natsu." Bonnie tells me. "Speaking of Natsu, are you telling him soon?" She asks me. I blush and look down, "I'm scared." I say quietly.

"If he rejects you then his lose. Guys are dying to be your boyfriend. Like Hibiki," Bonnie nudges my side. I laugh awkwardly, not feeling the joke too much. While out on this 2 year mission, let's just say I ran into Hibiki a couple of times. Definitely a very cute and sweet guy, but c'mon! He could never take my feelings away from Natsu.

"And what about Sting?" She continues on with naming guys I could get with if Natsu and I don't work out.

"That little kid is 6 years younger than me, plus it's been a year since I've seen him, who knows where he is now." I say. Before I know it, we're at the entrance of my guild. Fairy Tail.

"Ready?" I ask Bonnie and she nods. I open the door and the guild is practically empty.

"Y/N!" I hear someone yell and it's Mira yelling at me from behind the counter. I run over the counter and see Gildarts seated with the Master.

"You're back and just in time for the S-Class trials." Mira smiles at me.

"Grandpap here sent me a letter begging me to come back and help with the trials." I joke. Bonnie and I greet the members that are in the guild hall and they give us a warm welcome.

I do see some new people that I've never seen before. "Omg you're Y/N L/N!" I hear someone say. I turn around and it's a pretty blonde.

"Yes and you are?" I ask.

"Lucy Heartfilia. I've heard so many things about you. You're one of the strongest and most beautiful female wizard according to Sorcerer Weekly!" She praises me. I rub my neck sheepishly and I've never heard anyone fangirl about me so much.

"Nice to meet you, Lucy!" I say and Bonnie introduces herself to Lucy. Lucy returns Bonnie's greeting with a warm smile.

"Exceed. Like Happy." Lucy points out.

"Yup! Speaking of Happy, where is he? And where's Natsu?" I ask.

She sighs, "On a job without me. I couldn't believe it, since I need rent now more than ever." She tells me.

"Ah going on jobs a lot to prove that they're ready for S-Class trials." I tell myself and Lucy asks about S-Class trials.

"A group of wizards are nominated to compete to become an S-Class wizards." I explain.

"Interesting. Anyway, you've been gone for a while from what Natsu told me. Two years? I would love to hear about your adventures!" Her eyes are literally sparkling. We take a seat at a booth and we talk, getting to know each other better. She fills me in on everything that I've missed.


The door is kicked open and I look over. Natsu and Happy. "Boys!" I yell and run over to hug them. Natsu and Happy's eyes widened and they start tearing up.

"It's been so long!" They both yell and hug Bonnie and I.

"Yup and I'm here to stay!" I tell them.

"You can join my team!" Natsu suggests.

"Would love to. But I assume you came for another job?" I ask. He nods and walks to the job board to pick out something else. He snatches something off the board and walks to me.

"Wanna join Happy and I? It could be us four, like old times." He says.

"Would love to, but I don't we're allowed to join on missions until after the trials." I say. He nods understandably. Before leaving, Happy and him give Bonnie and I a hug.

"You love him!" She whispers screeches.

"Maybe a bit." I wink.

afterglow | natsu x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora