Chapter 36: The Dragon Tamer

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Age 8

"Y'know Y/N, I'm a king. Ruler of the dragons." Acnologia brags.

"Ruler of dragons?" I question as I hold a sleeping Bonnie in my arms.

He nods in confirmations. I smile, "Well I guess that I would make me a princess, right?" I joke.

"I guess it would. Since there's no queen, I guess you're the Queen of Dragons."

I ask, "How do you control all of them?"

He thinks for a second then smirks, "You strike fear into them. Prove you're a king."

I give a disapproving look.

"Or if they refuse to follow, I simply control them. I make them listen. That leads me to our last thing." He says and stands up. I stand up from the ground and walk with him towards a more open field.

"Before I go, I need you to learn these. If something were to happen, you'd be next to rule," He starts, "The Ultimate Dragon Slayer Secret Arts. They all come with a price though."

"And that is?"

"All risk a high chance of death and two of them could risk you becoming a dragon yourself." He answers.

I squeal and set Bonnie down gently on the ground. "What's the first one?"

"Controlling dragons."



"I have an idea." I pick up Bonnie and set her next to Lector and Frosch behind some rumble. I stand behind Sting, who's attacking the red dragons. I whisper in his ear, "Cover me." He nods and I step back, sitting criss cross on the ground. Then I concentrate.

I may not like you right now, Acnologia, but your magic sure comes in handy.


Everyone feels Y/N's intense magic power as she starts casting a spell.

"Does she think she can wipe out all dragons with one attack?" Sting thinks to himself.

Y/N starts thinking about what Acnologia told her and starts casting the spell. It requires a lot of magic energy, and Y/N's doesn't have much left in her. Even with a second origin, it could be too much.

"Just think." She starts hearing Acnologia's voice from when he taught her. "Concentrate all your magic power into this. You'll feel it inside, once you've achieved it. You'll feel powerful inside."

Y/N takes deep breaths in and out. This is the only attack that will work and according to Acnologia, the three Ultimate Arts can only be used once. Y/N has to perfect it now.

"With everything fighting down there, there's nothing we can't do." Natsu tells Rogue.

"You people have yet to know the true terror of the dragons' power." Rogue said, "You think Y/N can defeat me and seven dragons?"

Natsu nods and smiles when he starts feeling the immense amount of power. "I know she'll beat you."


Y/N's p.o.v

I try my best to keep concentrated and focus all the energy left into this attack. I grunt as I start getting more and more tired. In the end, I stop and take a break. "Whatever you're trying to do, Y/N, I know you can do it!" Sting encourages.

I sigh, "What I'm trying to do is impossible." I whine.

"I'm sure it's not— Holy Nova!" Sting yells. I stand up and walk beside him. I place my hand on his shoulder and smile, "Let's defeat him together."

"What about your spell?" Sting asked.

"I don't have enough magic power... I'll retry once I'm filled with energy." I answer.

"You're... going to power up... by fighting?" He questions and I nod. "How does that make sense?!"

"Easy. I just need my blood and adrenaline rushing," I step forward and crack my fingers, "Let's do this." I say and go at it with the dragon.

- time skip bc i'm lazy! -

"My goodness!" I exclaim and bend over to catch my breath.

"Damn I didn't think a dragon would be this hard to slay." Sting said. I fix my posture and turn over my shoulder, "Mhm! They're tough, but," I turn back around, "We can do it." I say with not a lot of hope in my voice.

"White drive. White dragon: roar!" Sting shoots and the attack does no damage on the dragon. Sting jumps, "Let's see how you like this!" And places his little paralysing mark on the dragon. "I just immobilised you!" Sting says. The mark quickly disappears and the dragons says, "That itches. Those have no effect on me whatsoever. Are you attacking seriously?"

I hear Sting growl lowly then he smirks, "I have an idea!"

"Hm?" I ask. He grabs my hand and looks at the dragon, blowing a raspberry at him. "Sting!" I shout and he starts running, dragging me behind.

"Rogue! Quit sitting around!" Sting yells. Rogue turns around and looks at us questionably before asking, "Did you already defeat your dragon?" I sweat dropped.

"Nope—!" Sting smiles, "—I brought him with me!"

"WHAT?!" Rogue exclaims. Sting starts to laugh and both Rogue and I yell, "This isn't funny!"

"Did you try stopping him?" Rogue asks as Sting and I stop next to him. I shake my head, "I was dragged here."

"Rogue and I are a team, y'know? And with you, we're extra powerful!" Sting tells us. Both the dragons meet eye to eye and start discussing. Then they both agree to exterminate all humans.

"Let's show Y/N and these two dragons what the twin dragons can do! What do you say, Rogue?" Sting smiles at Rogue, who's a bit taken aback before he cracks a smile too. They stand back to back and look at their dragons.

"You two would be a cute couple!" I tease.

"No we wouldn't!!" They both shout at me. "Why don't you sit back as Rogue and I handle this? Focus on that spell of yours." Sting tells me. I nod and step a couple feet back to start it. I get back on the ground as I trust Sting and Rogue to handle the situation.

I breath and out again like I did before and concentrate more and more on my magic. "I know you're tired, Y/N, but you must not give up."

It's simple, Y/N.

"the Dragon Tamer commands huge dragons and brings out their full potential...." I whisper. As I chant I hear Sting shout, "Y/N!" I stop focusing and look to see where he yelled from. However, the only thing I saw that a bright yellow light heading my direction. My eyes widen as it's about hit me and I have no time to react.

A figure then runs in front of me, arms extending out. And the attack hits them instead of me. "STING!!"

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