Day 26

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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Blood, Mentions of Beating

I feel like actual crap. I woke up feeling like this. A dull, gnawing pain was spreading across my skull like butter. Every inch of my body was aching and I couldn't breathe through my nose. I must've gotten sick, but I don't know from what. Whenever a patient is sick, the staff quarantine them in their rooms until further notice.

It's currently 5:30 in the morning. I've been awake since midnight but started to write this when I realized, getting sleep is only wishful thinking. Roman isn't awake yet. He probably won't wake up for another hour. I don't want to disturb him. He had to help Remus calm down from yesterday.

I just laid in bed, staring at the ceiling and writing in my journal. I knew I was tired, but I could hardly breathe. Not to mention, every position was uncomfortable. I let out a prolonged groan as I tried to get comfortable, but it wasn't happening.

The morning sun started to peek through our blinds, shining right into my eyes. I couldn't be bothered to block the sun with my hand. I soon heard Roman roll over, grumbling as he stretched. "Hey Love, are you awake yet?" He whispered, in case I was still slumbering. I groaned, making him pause. He came over to my bed, looming above me. He must've seen how awful I looked because a worried glance covered his beautiful face.

"Love, what's the matter?" He asked.

"S-Sick." I said. I set my journal on my stomach as I rolled onto my back. I began to cough, feeling dizzier with each hack that left my body.

"Don't worry, Love. I'll tell the nurses." He promised me. He took my hand in his own. He started humming a familiar melody. I weakly smiled, feeling my eyes close. "Get some sleep, Love." Roman mumbled. And that was the last thing I remember hearing.

What is this? Virgil kept looking sleepier the more I hummed to him. He finally fell asleep but as he did, the journal on his stomach practically fell into my hands. I cautiously glanced at my sleeping boyfriend. I scanned the cover of his journal. It was beautiful, definitely something he made himself. It was a normal composition notebook with a black cover. He must've used a white sharpie and made a cool spiral design.

I didn't know Virgil also dabbled in art. I decided to keep his journal, just for today. Sense he needs rest, I figured I should write about today! So, Virgil, if you read this in the future: you're welcome.

I stood up from his bed, journal in hand. Walking out of our room, I saw a passing nurse. I took my chance. "Excuse me!" I shouted, snatching the nurse's attention. She whipped around, giving me a curious face. "My uh-my boyfriend is sick today." I reported.

"Oh dear." She squeaked, coming over to our room. She peered inside, gasping upon seeing his pale resting face. "Did he tell you how he felt?" She asked.

"No. It seemed to be having body aches though. And he didn't get much sleep. When I got up, he was already awake. I hummed to him a little and he was out like a light." I explained. She nodded along, nervously looking at Virgil every couple seconds.

"Okay dear. I'll make sure he's well taken care of. Why don't you go get some breakfast?" She insisted. I thanked her and proceeded to the cafeteria. I was head first in this journal, reading through all of his writings. His hand writing was so thin and neat. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he typed this.

I abruptly stopped when I ran into the person in front of me. I shot my head up, seeing I had made it to the cafeteria. The person I bumped into looked at me. His glare seemed deadly, until I realized who it was. "Watch it ass-. Roman?" Remus paused. I smirked, not being able to hold in a laugh.

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