Day 6

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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Eating Disorder

Logan and Patton came around to our table with their lunch trays in hand. Today was an odd iteration of Sloppy Joes mixed with some type of gravy that was once a powder that the lunch ladies just had to put in the microwave or something. To nobody's surprise, it was Remus' favorite out of all the meals they've made for us. Simply because of the fact that many patients rumored that there was roadkill in the Sloppy Joes. All the more reason why Remus thinks it's enjoyable.

While we were eating, I noticed Patton poking at his food again today. I felt bad, I didn't want him to have bad days like this. I set my fork down, feeling odd to eat in front of him whilst he doesn't even want to eat for himself. He looked up at me as my fork clattered down on the table. He first noticed my tray, how I had only eaten about a third of everything I had. "Kiddo, you need to eat!" He said, pushing my tray back towards me.

"S-S-So do yo-you." I mumbled, doing the same thing to his tray. Patton looked down the table, seeing everyone was watching our little exchange. He exhaled a long and heavy sigh before picking up his fork again and taking a bite of the meat filled surprise on our plates.

"Did you guys hear? They're having a movie night tonight." Roman told us, trying to change the topic of conversation.

"Yeah, they said, it'd be under the stars this time!" Damion added. I felt a smile creep up my cheeks. I used to love movie nights. Especially with Mother. When we had them with Father, he'd always have us watch movies that would keep me awake for days. But with Mother, I got to choose the movies. I think it's safe to say, we both could recite the entire script of Beetlejuice.

"S-S-Sounds li-like fun." I cheered, taking another bite. Damion smiled at me, making us both blushing messes. I can't believe I haven't even been here for a week and I've already developed a crush on someone. My roommate, no less!

"Yes, it will be quite satisfactory." Logan said, sending another gaze towards Patton. The freckled boy had pushed his food away again but at least he ate a little more. He suddenly scooted off his seat and grabbed his tray. We all watched in silence as he threw his food away and walked out of the cafeteria.

"What type of junk is in his trunk!?" Remus asked. Logan glared at him before getting out of his seat.

"I'll go and talk to him." Logan stated, taking his tray and putting it with Patton's. Lunch was pretty quiet after that. Sooner or later, we all emptied our trays and walked into The Healing Room. It seemed less crowded today, but I know a lot of kids were meeting with their parents again today. I shrugged it off and raced Remus to the beanbag in the corner. We both landed on it at the same time. Since Remus was stronger, he was able to knock me off of it with a light bump from his hip.

I fell into Damion's lap, leading all of us to laugh. Roman was inspecting the board game shelf, looking from something to occupy our minds. As we were waiting, my thoughts started growing darker. I became incredibly worried for Patton. He was my first friend here. I care deeply for him and I just want to make sure that he's alright.

"Hey, you okay?" Damion questioned, lightly rattling my shoulders. I cleared my head, sending my thoughts to the back of my mind before slapping on a smile and nodding to him. Roman came back with three board games in his hand.

"I couldn't decide whether we should play Monopoly, Twister, or Jenga." Roman said, showing us the three games. They all seemed enticing, but it was a matter of choosing what we were in the mood to play.

"I have a fancy idea!" Remus declared, an odd smile resting upon his rat haired face.

About 10 minutes later, we found ourselves playing Mono-twist-ga. We combined all three games. Using the twister floor, we placed Monopoly property cards on the different dots and the Jenga tower in the middle of the twister mat. The name of the game was now, spin the twister spinner, which ever one you land on you have to put your hand or foot there and decide whether of not to buy that property, all while. not knocking over the Jenga tower.

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