Day 15

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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Panic Attacks

"Is she here yet? Is she here yet? Oh my god, I'm so excited to see your mom, Virgil!" Patton cheered with me while we waiting by the front doors, peeking through tiny windows for her car. Today was my, half-month check in. And Mother was invited to see my progress! I was trying to keep cool for the sake of my friends, but I was really excited to see her. I feel like it's been a whole decade since I've last seen her.

"Is that her car? Or maybe that red one? Or that white one? Oh, Virgil, I'm so happy for you!" Patton squealed. Damion and the others were waiting in chairs behind us. Logan laughed at his boyfriend, putting his hands on his knees and pushing himself to standing.

"Patton, you're more excited about seeing Virgil's mom than Virgil is!" He said, dragging Patton away from the window.

"Well, Virgil's mom sounds wonderful! She taught him how to bake! How bad can she be!" Patton retaliated. Everyone laughed at that. Damion came up to me, wrapping his arms around my torso, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"She sounds absolutely wonderful, babe." He said, cuddling into my neck. I hummed in enjoyment, feeling my excitement turn to bliss and warmth the closer Damion got to me.

"You g-guys will lo-love her and sh-she'll love you too." I promised. Suddenly, Dr. Picani came rushing into the waiting room, where we all were. He gasped, catching all of our attention before his surprise turned to shy laughter.

"You guys scared me. What are you all doing out here?" He asked, approaching us closer.

"Virgil's mom is on her way, and we want to see her!" Patton cheered, all of us nodding to his statement.

"That's right! Virgil's half-month check in. Are you excited, Virgil?" Picani questioned. To be honest, I didn't really know how I felt about the whole situation. I was definitely happy to see Mother again, but I was also nervous. What if she thinks I'm not making enough recovery and decides I need to stay here longer? What if she thinks Damion is a bad influence or the rest of my friends are? What if she hates me now?

"I-I'm a little n-nervous." I answered, getting squeezed tighter by Damion.

"Oh, don't be. Now, come along everyone. Virgil's gotta get ready in his meeting room and you guys know the rules about meeting other patients' family!" Picani scolded.

"Yeah, yeah. We don't get to meet 'em. We know!" Remus moaned. We laughed as we walked back into the hospital. I sweetly kissed Damion goodbye as we split up. Picani took me now a hallway I had never been down before. It was lined with small rooms, a window showing everything inside each of them.

He stopped in front of a room, opening its door for me. I entered, looking at the fun colored wall paper that lined the walls. There was also a table with four chairs that sat square in the middle of the room. "This is your room. As soon as your mother gets here, I'll bring her in. Good luck, Virgil." Picani then left, shutting the door and leaving me be.

I nervously sat in one of the chairs along the table. I clasped my hands together, my knee bobbing under the table. The room felt colder. Everything I was worried about was swirling in my head. But at the very same time, my excitement was bubbling over. I couldn't tell how I felt, I was just here and nowhere else.

The room became warmer as the door opened behind me. In walked Mother, wearing a simple black dress with her flowing hair draped on her shoulders. Her eyes watered and she dropped to her knees when she saw me. I bolted from my chairs and met her in a hug.

I started to cry. Her hug was unlike any hug I had received from Patton or Roman. Or even Damion. Her hug was like an old friend, something I hadn't realized I needed until right now. She started kissing my forehead, making me laugh and squirm a little. "Oh my honey, I've missed you so much!" She said, looking over me.

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