Day 24

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Trigger Warnings: 🚫

I was in the middle of floating in a dark abyss. It was peaceful and calming. My eyes were closed as my body was limp. I had a small smile on my face, the abyss made me feel welcome. I was warm, like my problems didn't exist. Like all that mattered was floating.

I felt my body jerk around. It was odd. I pressed my eye lids together, trying to block it all out and get more sleep. However, the shaking only got more and more violent. I finally opened my eyes, being greeted by Roman's soft face in mine. A smile spread across his face as he saw me wake up. He slept with me tonight, after telling him all about my fever dream yesterday, he insisted we start sleeping together. "Hey, Love." He whispered, kissing my forehead.

I rubbed my sleepy eyes, getting another look at him. He seemed as if he had been awake for the past couple hours. His hair wasn't super messy and his eyes were filled with love. "What time i-is it?" I grumbled, sitting up.

"Around Midnight. But, I wanted to show you something." He told me, taking my arm and dragged my tired limps out of bed. I groaned but didn't feel like resisting. Roman grabbed a flashlight from his drawer and tossed me my sweater. I put it on, still slightly confused and disoriented.

"Ready?" He asked. Without waiting for an answer, he grabbed my hand and guided me out of our room. He quietly shut the door and took me down the hall. It was hard to see anything, but based on the way we were going, we were heading outside.

"R-Roman, what are we doing?" I finally asked as he pushed open the door to the backyard.

"Well, I wanted to surprise you with something." He explained. My words were taken as in the backyard, was a picnic blanket with food under the beautifully starry night's sky. I stared in wonder. The sky was a wonderful mix of purples, blues, and whites with tiny specks dotting the sky like a puzzle.

"I thought you'd like it." Roman smiled, taking my hand.

"But...I-I never told you I liked the galaxy." I stuttered, still in awe at what I was seeing.

"You didn't have to. I saw the way you were looking at the sunset the other day. Not to mention all the little sketches you have on your nightstand. The clues are obvious, it was just a matter of having you see it." I hugged him tightly, so grateful for everything. He hugged me back, rubbing his hand in my hair.

"I'm glad you like it, Love." He remarked, meeting his lips to mine. We ran over to the little picnic he had set up. There were sandwiches with bags of chips. Some lemonade to drink along with a chocolate cake that looked handmade. "It was everything the kitchen had on supply...along with some help from Patton with the cake."

"How lo-long have you been planning this?" I asked, placing my hand carefully on top of his.

"Only two days. I got a lot of it done after you went to bed. Actually, I had just come back from working with Patton on the food and cake when you were having your fever dream the other day." He told me. I nodded, looking again at the sky. He poured us both a cup of lemonade, placing one of them in my hand.

"Virgil. These past couple days...even before we were dating. They've all been amazing. I wish I could spend forever with you.'re going to be leaving the hospital soon. I really wish you weren't. Or at least, I wish I could go with you. I never want to be away from you. Virgil...I guess what I mean is-" I stopped him, placing my lips on his. I couldn't take it any longer. He was being too cute.

We pulled apart, looking deeply into each others' eyes. "I love you too." I said, swallowing my stutter. He smiled, kissing me again. I smiled into the kiss, letting this feeling of love wash over me. We brought our cups together as if it were champagne and drank our lemonade. Roman brought out the sandwiches. They were both Peanut Butter and Jelly, which I didn't mind. I knew they came from the heart.

We both ate, chatting the entire time. We feasted on chips and kept drinking lemonade until we were both drunk with laughter. I almost had it coming out of my nose. I fell back onto the blanket, Roman following me. I coughed down my laughter, feeling oxygen run through my body once more. "L-Let me get this straight." I started.

"Have fun with that." Roman laughed. I smacked his chest.

"Y-You and Remus used to wear the s-same clothes?" I laughed again. Roman rolled his eyes, resting on his side.

"Yes but no. We wore identical clothing, not the same. Can you imagine having Remus' little boy pews in your clothes?! No way. Even as a young kid, I'd never do that." I was sent into another laughing fit, turning blue from not getting enough air. "Breathe, Love." Roman said.

I sucked in a large breath, laughing a little more. I sat up, finally catching my breath. I looked up to the sky, seeing all the colors swirling together to create the beautiful scene. A shooting star passed over the night sky. I looked to Roman. "What's your wish?" He asked lowly, already moving closer to my lips.

"I think yo-you know." I mumbled. We went for it. Full on making out. He had my hands trapped by the sides of my head as he smashed his lips deeply into mine. He was biting my bottom lip, making me grin. I opened my mouth a little and let him explore it.

At some point, he started biting my neck. Whenever I would moan, he'd start playfully biting at my neck. I didn't mind. I was so in love with him. I couldn't describe it. He truly was a Prince and I was his Princess.

He rolled off me, landing right next to me. Our hands were stuck together as he kissed my hand. "I love you, Virgil." He mumbled into my hand.

"I love you." I said in return. We stayed out there all night. Just staring at the giant sky. Watching comets, planes, and satellites rush pass our heads. I cuddled closer to him as I started to get sleepy. I pressed my face into his chest, wrapping my arms around him. I felt him lift me up in his arms and carry me back to our room.

He gently laid me on our bed as he took off my jacket and removed his shirt. He then slipped into bed with me as we both get some sleep.

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