Roxanne manages to slip away unnoticed; people know that John has a girlfriend but it wasn't exactly public knowledge that they were having a baby and John was wanting to keep it that way for as long as possible. He didn't want to risk having people turning up at his door out of the blue like Roger, who had accidentally let slip in an interview where he was staying. 

Poor Rebecca had to fight her way through a crowd of fans most mornings.

And so, Roxanne goes around the yard again; humming along with the Christmas music that's coming from the overhead speaker as she looks at all the trees - just waiting for one to jump out at her. 

John meanwhile is finishing up the most pleasant conversation with Kelsie. 

"My dad really won't believe this," she grins, taking the napkin that she'd dug out from her bag for him to sign, "Thank you so much." 

"You're welcome," he says, handing her back her pen, "Thank you for supporting us? Sorry, I don't really know what to say during these things...stay in school?" 

She laughs, tucking the napkin back into her bag, "That'll work." 

"Alright then," he nods, "Stay in school." 

The young girl says goodbye and John returns to looking at the trees and he's looking at some decent ones when he hears Roxanne's delighted gasp coming from the next row, "Rox?" 

He rounds the corner to see her stood in front of what can only be described as a seven-foot monster - one that would definitely not fit into the flat. 

"It's perfect!" she squeals, practically throwing herself into the branches, "John, isn't it magnificent? Look at the size of it!" 

He puts his hands on her shoulders, "Alright, calm down." 

"Look at the size of it!" she repeats and he shakes his head.

"I'm looking. But love, this won't fit into the flat." 

"What? Yes, it will." 

"Rox, it's taller than our ceiling," he tries to tell her and she turns to him with a pout on her lips. 

"But it's perfect..."

"It is," he nods to show her that he agrees, "But love, it's not practical." 


"How about this?" he spins her around so she's facing him, "We get a smaller one this year and then next year, when we're in the house, we'll get this one." 

The house. Their house. Charlie had managed to get the previous owners to knock a couple of grand off of the asking price but still, it had been too expensive for them and just when they were about to give up hope and accept that they wouldn't be getting it, money had started coming in from the album and the single. 

A lot of money. 

And the band were leaving Trident Studios to sign another deal with John Reid, who had also jumped ship with them. 

Things were really starting to look up but the main thing was that the young couple had a house and for the next few months, they (mostly John) would be working hard to get it ready for the baby coming. 

Roxanne looks between John and the tree, "This one won't be here next year," she pouts again. She knows that she's being ridiculous but she really wants this one.

"Alright, not this exact one," he notes, "But you'll find another one you love." 

Reluctantly, she backs down and nods, letting him lead her back to the ones he was looking at.

Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy (JoeMazzello!JohnDeacon fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now