Chapter 10

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When I escaped, I didn't have a plan for my life. My only goal was to survive. Even though I didn't have a plan, my life seemed to fall into place. Everything was great. Until he came. Then my perfect life that I had built seemed to crumble slowly. However, even with everything that happened, getting kidnapped again was something I didn't expect to happen. Especially not by his fiance. Maybe in hindsight, I should've seen it coming. She's a crazy bitch.

I tried my best to remain calm but every time I've been tied up, something bad has happened. All the work I've put into these 4 years seemed to disappear. I felt myself slowly returning to the scared little teenager I once was and that frightened me.

Strength is not just physical. It is emotional too. No matter how weak I was from being drugged, I wouldn't give up. I couldn't go back to the shell I was before. Though, no matter how much I told myself that, I knew it was easier said than done.

Luckily, the torture wasn't that bad. I was in a lot of pain but I knew I've been through worse. I had to constantly remind myself that I survived through much much worse. Thankfully, they didn't touch me. One guy tried to but Loralie ripped his throat out. It was a horrific sight but my face remained blank. The poor bastard's blood was still on me though which was very unnerving.

Making sure I wasn't completely back to my old self was hard. To survive, I had to become a shell again. I could snap out of it though. Hopefully. Emotionally, I was in a lot of pain. Even worse than the physical pain. But I kept a blank face. I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of knowing how much pain I was in. However, my vibrant emotions seemed to be dulling. I didn't know how to fix that. All I wanted was Olivia.

"I really am sorry about this but it's your fault," Loralie's voice sneered. My face remained a permanent empty look as she spoke. Silence filled the air as she waited for me to respond. By now, she should've realised that I wasn't going to answer. I haven't spoken since I woke up and I wasn't planning on doing it now.

She groaned and slapped me in my face. I already had a bruise from earlier so my check was becoming as numb as I am. "I can't believe I broke you already! You are so fucking weak," she laughed expecting to her a riot out of me. She got nothing. She deserves nothing. I am strong. Stronger than I was before.

"You are just no fun," she sighed, grabbing her whip. "I guess I'll have to do all the work myself. I'll get you to scream. I promise you that." The whip hit my skin causing a burning sensation like any whip. However, judging from the marks left on my skin, it wasn't a normal whip. My best guess is somehow there's some form of silver on it since I can no longer feel the physical pain from silver. Nevertheless, it does leave marks on my skin. Ugly marks.

No screams left my mouth much to her disappointment. I silently took each hit without a wince. My mind wandered to Olivia. Did she know I was in trouble? Goddess, I hope not. My job is to make sure she has a normal happy childhood. Her worrying about her mother being kidnapped is not something she should worry about.

Then there's Adam. I tried to help him but I didn't get to him in time. Is he alive? He was my first friend. We were close even if it didn't seem like it. What would I do without him? Goddess, what would his mate do? They just meant but their bond was strong. She didn't deserve to lose a mate. No one does.

After a few more lashes and some more slaps, she finally gave up. This has happened about four times today. She tries to get something out of me, fails, then one of her minions comes in and tries to break me. When he gives up, I'm left alone for a bit.

Loneliness was the worst torture. Not that they realised that. The silence is maddening when I'm alone. My thoughts get jumbled and I end up driving myself crazy.

Loralie's minion came in with a sadistic smile. His eyes were drawn to my chest. I still had clothes on but due to the hours of torture, they were torn immensely. I felt uncomfortable under his perverted gaze. Somehow my heart remained steady as he got closer.

The hungry look in his eyes reminded me of Alpha Black. Lustful. I held back a shiver of disgust. "We should get rid of your clothes-" His breath grazed my neck- "They are too restricting." Nausea hit me along with a wave of flashbacks. My face remained calm but I was freaking out on the inside. He was going to rape me.

I sat there still as a statue as his hands travelled my body. Screaming or threatening him would only encourage him. I was tied up and drugged. It isn't physically possible for me to fight back. All I could do was remain calm. Mentally, I would stay strong. If he was going to rape me, I wasn't going to let it break me.

"Lyle! Get your filthy paws off her or you'll end up like Grey," Loralie's voice rang through the room. I don't think I've ever been more happy to see her than now. Actually, I've never been happy to see her except for now. Goddess, what is happening to me? I really need to get out of here soon.

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