1. Quite pretty

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Screeches of pens over the sheets of paper—as furiously as humanly possible—resounded through the entire hall

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Screeches of pens over the sheets of paper—as furiously as humanly possible—resounded through the entire hall. The creaking of the blades of fans was occasionally disturbing when moving in tandem with each other, preventing the sultry heat from descending on the students as they continued to write their exams. With their entire focus on the question paper and the 16-paged answer booklet, all of them had their heads ducked down, their eyes narrowed to slits, and their scribbling filling the empty pages that the professors would need to grade soon enough.

The invigilator sitting inside the classroom had the classic potbelly of a middle-aged Indian man, his eyes trying to focus on the aisles upon aisles of benches where the final semester Computer Science and Engineering students continued to crack the nerve-racking questions. Their expressions clearly told the Electronics professor that the paper was a tough one, and many might barely manage to scrape passing marks. However, he couldn't keep his eyes open for a long time. The three-hour examination was too dull and boring for him, and the plate of samosas at his desk was sitting empty, the contents now comfortably stuffed into his stomach.

Getting up from his chair, sweeping his eyes across the classroom to ensure no one was trying to cheat, he cautiously went outside to ring up the canteen staff. They would surely send back a plate of sandwiches for him to gobble while he waited for the exam to end.

Taking that as the perfect opportunity, the black hoodie-clad boy, sitting on the fourth bench of the cornermost aisle, chose to seek answers to the questions he knew nothing about.


Nandini was startled when a surreptitious whisper reached her ears from behind her, and she immediately stopped drawing the meticulous diagram of a distributed system, her eraser clutched in her left hand and the pencil dangling from her right. Slightly leaning her spine on the backrest of the bench, she tucked her open hair behind her ears to check if she had misheard or if it was indeed him.


Pursing her lips, rolling her eyes, and abandoning her pencil, she adjusted herself on the spot and cast a careful glance at the professor. The pot-bellied man was back on his chair, letting out an audible yawn, shutting his eyes and itching a spot above his chest, not paying any attention to the fifty students sitting in front of him. Heaving a deep sigh, she cleared her throat and whispered, "What?"

"3 B," Shubham said.

Her eyes went back to the nearly spotless question paper next to her answer booklet, and she re-read the second sub-question of the third question, discerning the little tick mark she had placed next to it. "Why don't you study properly before the exams? 3 B is the simplest problem in the entire paper," she muttered.

He clicked his tongue. "Sermons all the time! Show me the answer, Basu."


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