Chapter 12

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Hans landed in Arendelle. It hasn't changed much since he had last been there. Except now there was no ice or snow to be seen.

Which was rather odd because their queen had the power of ice and snow.

"Are you sure you want to go on your own?" Maleficent asked next to him She had decided to go to Arendelle with Hans, just to annoy Narissa. "I can created magic you know. I managed to curse a baby!"

"Yeah, but then you couldn't defeat Philip in dragon form!!" Hans reminded her.

"Urgh. She groaned. "Don't remind me."

"But I just did!"

"Yeah, alright!" Maleficent gave him a small shove. "I'll be back to check on you in about two or three hours. I have to go sort out Aroura."

"Yeah, OK. See you."

Maleficent disappeared, and Hans began to walk through the streets of Arendelle.

Whilst walking, he looked around.

There were little rows of houses and shops, and children playing in the streets.

Hans laughed softly, and watched them play for a few seconds, before deciding to get back to the castle.

No one looked at him, realised that it was him, the man who tried to kill the queen and princess, and think to stop him. No one gave him as much as a second glance.

Hans got to the gates, unnoticed.

They were wide open, but there was one guard stood there.

"Can I help you?" The guard asked.

Hans replied with head butting the man unconscious, and then walking casually into the castle grounds.

At one side there was an ice skating ring, and the other side had different flowers and plants growing with all different designs and colours.

It looked rather exotic, even though Hans wouldn't have done that if he had been given the option.

Hans continued to walk and pushed open the door of the castle. There was no guard to stop him, as he was knocked out a few feet away.

Hans stared into the corridor, and after a lot of hesitation, decided to just go for it.

He weaved through the corridors, trying different rooms, taking a left here, and a right there, and occasionally knocking out a servant or hiding from them.

Finally he got to one room, that had a lot of noise coming from it.

He pressed his ear against the door and listened.

He couldn't make out the exact words, but it was something to do with Anna's birthday party.

He could hear Elsa's voice, and there was a mans voice too. Elsa's boyfriend? Anna's boyfriend? A servant? Hans has no idea. He listened in, but decided he had better things to do then listen to them argue about if the cake should have three layers or four.

He was about to push open the door, but it opened itself from the other side.

Hans quickly ducked behind a suit of armour on a massive stand, and peeped out.

There was tall man with blonde hair, quite muscular and was wearing a mountain suit.

Anna followed him out.

Hans had forgotten how pretty she looked. Her strawberry blonde hair, the blonde streak... Which had mysteriously vanished... her cheeky face, her freckles, literally everything about her.

His heart sunk a tiny bit. Anna was clearly happy with this other man. She seemed happier with him then Hans. Well OK, Hans had tried to kill her...

Hans shook his head and watched as the man planted a quick kiss on Anna's cheek before walking down the corridor. Anna blushed furiously, and watched the man until he turned the corner, and then she went back into the room, closing the door behind her.

After checking to see the coast was clear, Hans snuck out of his hiding place, tip toed to the door, and kicked it open.

He stepped into the room, and was greeted to Elsa and Anna, terror on their faces.

"Hello Anna," Hans smirked evilly.

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