Chapter 4

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And before the Queen knew it, her castle was slowly filling up with villains from all over the world!

Her new family ranged from male to female; short to tall; fat to thin; and even some from under the sea!!

They all lived in the run down castle, but they all helped, and soon the majority of the walls were mended, and they had added a bit of colour inside, and most of the rooms had been furnished, wall papered and given a carpet.

However they left the garden dead, grey and lifeless, in case anyone passed by, so it would look like the castle was still abandoned.

There were twelve of them in total, all villains that had set off with a mission, and failed.

"On guard!" the tall man held out his sword in front of him. He had black hair, and wore a red top with a brown belt, and black trousers and brown boots. His muscles were bursting out of his shirt. His name was Gaston.

"Please," his opponent sighed, a tall, beefy man with pale white skin, and wearing black. This man was called Shan Yu. "Gaston, I can beat you at a sword fight any day!"

"I'd like to see you try," Gaston smirked.

Shan Yu, who had been resting on his crooked sword, held his sword in front of him, and grinned evilly.

They began a sword battle.

Gaston had gotten better, deflecting, attacking, but Shan Yu was the best.

Shan Yu had barely broken a sweat before Gaston, barely able to breathe, was asking for a time out.

"No stopping," Shan Yu said, lunging his sword.

"Whoa!" Gaston only just dodged it, and hit the sword away with his own. "But if I could just rest - "

"The opponent isn't resting! Gaston, you could be in a matter of life or death, you can't just ask for them to stop!"

"What's the point in this?" Gaston sighed, throwing his sword down, so the point stuck in the floor.

"Protection," Shan Yu replied.

"To protect me from what?" Gaston asked. "Old Grumble-Hilde won't let us leave."

"If she ever catches you calling her that - " Shan Yu began.

"Well, she hasn't," Gaston went over to the other side of the room, and threw the door open, but got trampled on, by two men walking in, deep in conversation.

The first one was very tall, wearing a long black robe with a red cloak, and on his head was an Indian turban. This man was called Jafar.

The second was extremely will built, and slightly large around the chest. He wore a bright pink suit with a matching hat, and wore his hair in two bows. This man's name was Ratcliffe.

"Ratcliffe," Jafar said, not realising Gaston was right under his feet. "You are colour blind!"

"This is not pink, Jafar!" Ratcliffe explained. "It's just an odd shade of purple."

"It's pink, right?" Jafar whispered to Shan Yu when Ratcliffe was out of ear shot.

Shan Yu nodded with agreement.

"Watch it next time," Gaston stood up clutching his stomach.

"Oh grow up," Shan Yu said to Gaston before turning back to Ratcliffe, "you wear pink, you have your hair in pigtails, you have your hair in BOWS!!"

"Your just jealous," Ratcliffe muttered.

"Us? Jealous of you!?" Jafar laughed out loud.

Gaston listened to their conversation, before turning to the door, that had closed itself.

He grabbed the door handle, but before he could turn it the door opened from the other side, and it smacked him against the wall, and in walked Lady Tremaine.

"Boys, Grimhilde wants you all downstairs. NOW!"

And she left them, slamming the for behind her, to reveal Gaston, lying on the floor in pain.

"Why does the world hate me?" He muttered.

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