Chapter 7

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In stepped a young man, the age of twenty three, with dark ginger hair and side burns. He was wearing a white jacket that was buttoned up, and blue tight trousers.

He looked slightly nervous, not the type of person that would attempt murder.

"Is that him?!" Ursula cried.

Everyone stared at him for a few seconds before Maleficent said "Wait, prince?"

"An evil member of a royal family!?"

The villains murmured, approvingly.

"You know, you could say hello," the Queen put her arm around Hans' shoulders.

"Hey," Gaston pushed the Queen away and steered the new villain to the table, and setting him down. "Double murder, huh?"

"Yeah, " Hans laughed shakily, scratching the back of his neck.

"Well done," Jafar nodded.

"Not bad," Shan Yu commented. "Even though you didn't succeed."

"Hello handsome," Ursula slid over to Hans.

"Err-" Hans glanced uneasily at her tentacles.

"Please don't take any notice of my sister," Morgana told Hans.

"Ladies," Gaston pushed the sisters away. "Please, leave him be!" 

"First things first," Ratcliffe faced Hans. "What is your story?"

"My-my what?" Hans asked.

"Your story. You know, your villain life: your troubled childhood, becoming evil-"

"Attempting double murder!" Dr Facilier commented.

All the men gave Hans a massive round of applause, and the women clapped politely.

So Hans began his story:

The youngest of thirteen sons; being bullied by his older brothers; wanting to pay them back; wanting prove he could run a kingdom, but knowing he didn't stand a chance in the southern isles; asking to represent his country at the Arendelle coronation; proposing to the princess, the youngest of the two sisters, being left in charge when the queen and princess went into the mountains, knowing if something happened to them he would be left in charge; a frozen heart; an act of true love-

"So then I said 'oh Anna, if only there was someone out there who loved you'."

"So evil," Gothel commented.

-Locked door; sentencing the death of the queen; freezing over; the act of true love; summer returning; being sent back to the southern isles-

"And then what?" Maleficent asked.

"I ran away. I couldn't face my parents. and I somehow ended up here..." Hans concluded his tale, looking around the dining room.

Everyone was silent.

"Well," the Queen was clearly worried now that she had heard the full story. "I-Erm, I'm not really sure what to say now!"

"I do," Dr Facilier stood up, faded into the shadows and reappeared at Hans' side. He placed his hand in the new villains shoulder before saying: "welcome."

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