Chapter 9

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The men had told the girls, as Hans had told them too, and in less then five minutes all the villains were sat at the dining hall table.

"What do you want Hans?" Gothel asked. She was now a beautiful young woman, taller, black hair and a no wrinkles.

"I was thinking," Hans said. "Just how you don't want to leave this castle-"

"It's not that we don't want to leave," Lady Tremaine told him. "It's the fact that we can't."

"We'll get caught-"

"Thrown in jail-"

"Or worse!"

"That's the thing!" Hans stood up. "Because of the fact that you have all been defeated once, you've immediately given up, you refuse to try again, because you failed the first time. But now that you have each other to help succeed and win!"

"What are you saying Hans?" Narissa questioned the young man.

"I'm saying that is we all work together we can get what we wanted! Like- Gothel! " he addressed the, now, young woman. "What was it you wanted? What made you become evil?"

"Well, there was a magic flower that has the ability to heal the sick and injured. I kept it to myself and used it to keep myself young for hundreds of years."

"Then what?"

"The flower was used to heal the queen, who gave birth to a girl. And the girls hair had the same magic as the flower. So I kidnapped her."

"Well, we can find you a new flower. If there was just one of you looking, it might be hard, and there would be a lot of danger, but if we all work together-"

"We wanted to rule the ocean so we stole the King's triton!" Morgana said.

"It was at different times though," Ursula commented.

"Exactly! Because you were working alone, and at different times, you didn't succeed. But if you both were able to work together, get along, and if you both go and work together in the ocean-" Hans started.

"I wanted my daughters to have the best futures possible!!" Lady Tremaine said.

"I just wanted to be invited to the party," Maleficent shrugged.

"I wanted to keep my throne!" Narissa called out.

"I wanted to use the Native Americans land!" Ratcliffe shouted out. "We, English folk, needed it."

Soon everyone was calling out what their goal was, and shouting out what they could do to help each other.

"YES!!" Hans grinned, and he jumped into the table so everyone could see him. "This time we will succeed! We will win, we will have victory!!"

The villains cheered, and Hans smiled an evil grin, pleased with what he had done.

This time the villains would fight back. And this time, the villains would win.

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