Chapter 3

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You wouldn't call it 'friends', but Queen Grimhilde and Maleficent became quite close.

They told each other about their evil, villainous deeds, and how they didn't succeed.

"And I held the box out to my magic mirror, and it explained how I had been tricked, and given the heart of a pig!"

"That's so evil," Maleficent gasped.

Then Maleficent told the queen her tale.

"I wasn't invited to the party, so I cursed their baby to prick her finger and die."

"That's beautiful," the Queen Grimhilde whispered, dabbing her eyes with a tissue.

But half way through her story, they were interrupted by a knocking on the door.

Maleficent immediately grabbed hold of her staff, but the queen stopped her.

"Look," the Queen lifted up the small hand mirror, and they took a quick look.

They saw a picture of their double front doors, but no one was there.

"Let's go," Maleficent swept down the hallway, and the Queen followed.

She couldn't help feeling that Maleficent was acting as the boss, taking in charge, when it was her that had found the castle first.

"Maybe we should - " the Queen began, but Maleficent cut her off, by flinging open both the front doors to the widest they could go.

For half a second the two villains were looking out into their dead, lifeless garden, before they both looked down to find a toad on the doorstep.

The toad was a horrible dark green colour, with a grey head, and it was looking directly up at them. The toad croaked, making the villains jump.

Everyone was silent for a few minutes before the Queen spoke. "Does that toad have... grey hair?"

"It looks like-" Maleficent dropped into her knees, looked straight into the eyes of the toad. "Lady Tremaine?"

The toad croaked, as in an agreement.

"Lady who?" The Queen asked.

"Can you make some of your transforming potion?" Maleficent stood up.

"Wait, what?" Queen Grimhilde was extremely confused.

"Oh never mind, I'll just do it." Maleficent pointed her staff at the toad, and a green light shot out and hit the toad.

The toad began transforming. It was becoming taller, thinner, less green...

Until finally a woman, around the age of fifty, stood in the steps.

This woman had grey hair, which sat on the top of her head. She wore a really long red dress that was purple around the neck.

Queen Grimhilde stared at the woman.

"You would not believe how long I've been a toad!" Lady Tremaine stretched her back.

The Queen blinked, before asking again, "and you are-"

"I'm lady Tremaine," the woman explained. "The mother of Drizella and Anastasia."

"Oh yes!" The Queen had no idea who she was, but decided to go along with it. "How's, what's her name-"

"Salmonella- mozzarella-" Maleficent clicked her fingers, trying to remember the name.

"Cinderella," Lady Tremaine said.

"No, that's not it... CINDERELLA!!! That's her name!"

Lady Tremaine rolled her eyes. "Never liked her. How should I know?"

"Are you-" the Queen began, pointing at Lady Tremaine.

"Yes, she's a villain," Maleficent finished....

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