Chapter 8

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Hans had settled in well. He stayed with Gaston most of the time. He learned how to duel with swords, how to avoid Ursula and Morgana, all the secret entrances and exits of the castle, although he was specifically told by Queen Grimhilde to never leave the castle. He felt, for the first time in his life, at home.

He felt like he was somewhere where he belonged, where he could be who he truly was.

There was just one problem: he was bored. Very bored.

He had done everything, been everywhere, and he had nothing else to do.

He wanted to go outside, but the last time he had stepped into the garden he had nearly been blasted into pieces by Maleficent and her magic staff.

He had had his fortune told by Dr Facilier, and it was said that he would achieve something great and be a good leader but how was he meant to fulfill this if he couldn't go outside?

The Queen Grimhilde was in the dungeons with Mother Gothel, making the youth potion, so Hans had slipped into her throne, and sat there.

He had nothing else to do.

"Hans?" A cold voice said, and Hans quickly ducked behind the throne, and curled up in a ball.

It reminded him too much of when he was younger, hiding from his brothers, who would come and pick on him.

"Is he in there, sister?" Another voice said, as the throne room door opened.

Hans held his breath and listened carefully.

"No," He heard Morgana say. The sea witch sisters.

"Where is he? We've looked everywhere!"

"Maybe he's fixing that wall in the bedrooms upstairs?"

"Good idea."

There was a lot of shuffling, and then the door finally closed.

Hans sighed, relieved, and came out from his hiding place.

But he had a massive shock, as the sisters were stood by the door, waiting for him, both grinning.

"See, I told you it would work," Ursula grinned.

Hans had been tricked, and he did not like it.

"I get the sideburns-" Morgana announced.

"But you got them last time!"

"Yes, and!?"

The sisters slithered over to Hans, and after some quick thinking, he jumped onto the Queens throne, then into the one next to it, and jumped over the sisters just as they got there.

"No!! I need those sideburns!"

The sisters charged at him, and he ran to the window, jumped onto the windowsill, grabbed the royal blue ripped curtain and swung over their heads, before landing on his feet, and running out of the door.

"We lost him!"

"Thank you Gaston," he whispered (as Gaston had taught him that trick), and didn't stopped running until he was safely with the other men.

"Want any help?" He asked.

"We could do with some," Shan Yu answered, slicing a brick in half with his jagged sword.

Hans picked up a small piece of rock and handed it to Dr Facilier, who, being tall, slotted it into a crack at the top of the wall, just where the ceiling started.

"Why are we doing this? " Gaston asked.

"Because we need something to do."

"And lady Tremaine told us to."

"Why can't she do it herself!? " Gaston sighed.

"Because-I don't know-"

"I've been thinking-" Hans began.

All the men stopped what they were doing and turned to face him.

Hans suddenly felt a lot nervous.

"I-err-" Hans said. "What-what do we do for fun here?"

His confidence was slowly draining.

"What do you mean?" Jafar asked.

"Well, like, games and...stuff?" Hans' confidence had fully disappeared.

"Well, for entertainment, we just fight and build," Gaston shrugged.

"And annoy the girls," Dr Facilier shuffled his taboo cards.

"Why can't we leave the castle?" Hans asked.

"Because we could be seen, and get caught," Ratcliffe replied, in a tone that made Hans fell stupid. "And the heroes could find us and defeat us again."

"So that's it?" Hans asked. "We just give up?"

"What other choice do we have?" All the men replied in unison.

Hans had had enough. He was fuming inside. "I'm calling a meeting," he told them. "Gather the girls."

"Wait, what!?" Gaston asked.

But Hans had already stalked out of the room...

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