Chapter 5

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"I still don't see why Grimhilde has named herself the queen," Jafar muttered to the others after they had sorted Gaston out, and were walking to the dining hall, which was also where meetings were held.

"Well, she was the first one here," Shan Yu came to the Queen's defence. "She found this castle - "

"But what makes her think she is so qualified to run us? Since she was defeated she is literally the Queen of Nothing!" Gaston said.

They got into the dinning Hall and sat down.

The men looked around at their fellow villains.

There was an old woman with grey wavy hair and a red dress; a tall man with dark skin, black skin tight trousers, purple jacket, a tall hat with a skull and cross bones on, and shuffling a pack of cards; the two witches, both with grey skin,white hair, their top half's human, and instead of legs, black octopus tentickles; a woman who looked a bit like Maleficent, but with a silver headdress and dark blue dress; Maleficent and the Queen Grimhilde.

Everyone was either taking, or arguing.

"Flower, flower - " the old woman in the red dress kept on repeating over and over again.

"You basically stole my outfit!" Maleficent said.

"I didn't!" The woman next to her protested.

"Yes you did Narissa! And you stole my idea of the poisonous apples," the Queen commented.

"It was a good idea!" Narissa shrugged.

"Yes, because I came up with it!"

"Do you ladies - " the man with the cards began.

"Zip it Facilier!" Maleficent, Narissa and the Queen yelled at the same time.

"It's doctor Facilier," the man muttered shuffling his cards from one hand to another.

"Mother always favoured you, " the thinner of the octopus witches said.

"No she didn't," the fatter one replied.

"Yes she did! It was always 'Ursula this,' or 'Ursula that,' or 'oh Morgana why can't you be more like Ursula?"!!"

"It's not my fault I'm so amazing - "

"Ursula, Morgana, be quiet please!" Gaston shouted, adding to the noise.

"People!!" Shan Yu called out.

Everyone stopped and turned to face him.

"Well you all be quiet!?" He asked. "Queen Grimhilde has asked us all to come down here to talk to us, can we hear what she has to say?"

The Queen stood up and cleared her throat. As usual, she was at the head of the table.

"Thank you Shan Yu, now, does anyone have any notices before I begin?"

"Oh come on! Just tell us!" Gaston grumbled, but the old woman raised her hand.

"Yes, I do," she stood up. "Well, it's more of a question: when are you making me that youth potion? "

"As I have said many times Gothel," The queen sighed, "When I have the time. "

"You have the time for everything but my youth," Gothel muttered, sitting back down.

"I am a busy woman - " the Queen began.

"So how come you spent the whole of yesterday in your - " Dr Facilier began.

"Yes, thank you!" She cast the doctor an evil look before continuing. "Anyway, today is a very important day - "

"I'm getting my new sword!?" Shan Yu asked.

"My potion is being made!?" Gothel butted in.

"Everyone be quiet!!" Jafar called out. "We all know I'm going to get my new pet parrot!"

Everyone was, yet again, shouting over each other.

"Why do I bother?" The Queen sat back down and placed her head in her hand.

"Hey! " Maleficent stood up and banged her staff on the ground.

Everyone immediately stopped talking.

"Thank you," Maleficent sat back down and nudged the queen, who stood back up.

"Thank you Maleficent. What I was going to say was: were getting a new member joining us today."

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