Flashback: YG

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When Yoongi first went back to Namjin's place...

He was nervous; Yoongi could admit that. Why wouldn't he be nervous? He's being left alone with total strangers who are supposed to be his soulmates. He doesn't know them but he can see just how well they work together already. They don't really need him... They're just taking pity on him...

"Yoongi, are you alright? You've been spacing out for a while." Seokjin points out as he pats Yoongi's leg and causes the man to jump a foot in the air. Luckily, they're all sitting on the couch, so Yoongi has a safe landing. He's still freaked out though.

"Sorry... I was just thinking about something." Yoongi replies, offering a small smile as he unconsciously tugs on his sleeves. It wasn't very cold outside but it's a little cold in the apartment which makes his sleeves much more inconspicuous.

Seokjin chuckles before standing up from the couch, "I'll go get us something to drink. You two socialize. And I don't mean bore him to death with facts, Moonie." Seokjin says before walking away into another room leaving Yoongi alone with Namjoon. Not that Namjoon makes Yoongi uncomfortable or anything, it's just that Seokjin's presence made things easier for him.

"So you said you produce music, hyung? Maybe you'd let me hear some sometime?" Namjoon inquires, pulling Yoongi's attention to him. Yoongi smiles at the thought of showing someone other than Hoseok – who is quite biased – his music. He can finally get an honest opinion out of someone.

"Um... hyung... Are those what I think they are?" Namjoon questions quietly, his gaze on Yoongi's arm. The black-haired man frowns before looking down to see what Namjoon was talking about and gasps. He hadn't noticed he'd pulled his sleeve back farther than he should have to reveal a mess of old pink scars on his lower arm. It's where one of his sets of initials was.

"Th-these are... these are nothing." Yoongi hurriedly says, pulling his sleeve back down just as Seokjin walks in with three bottles of water. Namjoon glances at Seokjin who gives him a confused look.

"What's wrong?" Seokjin asks, handing Yoongi a water bottle that the man takes quickly and takes multiple gulps from it.

"Um, Yoongi hyung has an interesting... show and tell for us." Namjoon says as Seokjin sits down beside him after handing him a water bottle as well. Seokjin raises an eyebrow at that before taking a sip of water.

Yoongi, on the other hand, nearly chokes on his water. Who was Namjoon to say that? He doesn't want to tell them anything, at least not yet.

"No, actually," Yoongi stands up from the couch and turns to look at them, "I was just leaving. Talk to you later!" He says before running out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

"Min Yoongi... you fucking screw-up." Yoongi berates himself as he runs away. He doesn't know where he's going. He's just running. Running as far away from them as possible.


When Yoongi had to tell his story...

He was extremely nervous but the fact that Hoseok was coming did set him at ease a little. Not enough to keep him from pacing around his studio, however. He would sit down and attempt to keep working on the song he started last night but his mind is too preoccupied to focus on it. And the last thing he needs right now is mistakes in his music.

"C'mon, Min Yoongi. You can do this... You've told this story before." The man mutters, squeezing his hands together.

The doorbell rings nearly making Yoongi jump out of his skin.

"Hyung, I know you're already standing up. Come open the door." Hoseok exclaims from the other side of the door and Yoongi nearly laughs at his friend. Damn does he know him well. Yoongi sighs as he slowly shuffles over to the door and unlocks it; As soon as Hoseok pushes it open, he motions for everyone to sit on the couch.

"Sit down quickly while my nerves are still intact. I'm prone to changing my mind." Yoongi moves to stand in front of the couch, avoiding the gazes of his soulmates. He doesn't wanna look at them. He may actually lose his cool if he does.

"Aka, bailing out of a situation and doing it another day," Hoseok says as he sits down on an arm of the couch. Namjoon and Seokjin sit on the other end of the couch so now there's space between Seokjin and Hoseok. Yoongi doesn't sit down, however. It'd be better for him to talk while standing. Makes it much easier on him.

"Okay... So as you all know, I got my initials on my sixteenth birthday. Well, my parents weren't too happy about that. They saw it as a sign of me being... a whore. So they took a blade and tried scratching out both sets of initials in hopes it'd fix the "error". But a week later, the same initials appeared in the same spot so they tried again. For a year. I ran away when I turned seventeen, lived in a shelter for a while, had to go through therapy for two years..." Yoongi trails off as his eyes wander over to Hoseok who immediately stands up and pulls his hyung into a hug.

"You weren't this emotional in therapy, hyung." Hoseok lightheartedly jokes as tears stream down Yoongi's face. Yoongi lets out a choked sound and Hoseok knows it's his hyung's attempt to laugh while crying. Hoseok glances at Seokjin and Namjoon and nearly bursts into laughter.

"Here, Jin hyungie will take care of you." Hoseok chuckles before shuffling Yoongi backwards towards Seokjin until the shorter man can safely fall into the eldest's lap. Like a little kitten, Yoongi curls up in Seokjin's lap, pressing his face into Seokjin's neck while drawing his legs up to his chest.

"I think hyung's tired. He's probably been up all night preparing himself for this," Hoseok says before looking to Yoongi, "You gonna fall asleep while I'm gone?"

"Probably." Yoongi answers and Hoseok chuckles before looking to Seokjin and Namjoon.

"I'll be back. I'm going to get... something." Hoseok announces before leaving. Leaving Yoongi alone with Seokjin and Namjoon once again.

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