It's Okay

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Jimin is woken up first thing in the morning by a call. Not just any call but a call from Yoongi who he had learned was not a willing morning person so he quickly answers.


"Yes, hyung?"

"I need you to come get Hoseok... He's a mess without you near him." And in the background, the brunette can hear soft cries and it tears his heart apart.

"I'm coming."

"Jimin, I already sent you my address. The door will be unlocked when you get here. I'm going to visit my... soulmates so you'll have the apartment to yourselves."

Somehow a small appears on his face at the mention of his hyungs, "Tell them I said good morning."

"Yeah, I will... Jimin?"

"Yes, hyung?"

"Take care of my dongsaeng. He's been through too much."

"... I will, hyung. I promise."


As Yoongi said, the door was unlocked when he got there so he quietly entered the apartment. The only sounds he heard was Hoseok's whimpers that sounded like he was mumbling to himself. It wasn't until Jimin got closer to where the older man was that he could clearly figure what he was saying.

"I'm sorry, Chaeyoung-ah... I'm scared to love Jimin because of you but I know... I know you wouldn't want that, wouldn't like it. But I'm scared..."

"It's almost time for me to visit you. My subconscious knew before I really did... I doubt I could bring Jiminie with me to meet you without explaining everything..."

"You wouldn't have to explain anything to me, hyung," Jimin mumbles aloud without thinking, scaring Hoseok in the process if his loud scream and flailing to the floor showed anything.

Hoseok sputters for a moment, trying to clear the fog in his mind as he stands and turns to see Jimin standing in the "doorway" of the living room.

"W-When did you get here?"

"About 5 minutes ago. So yeah, I heard most of what you said. Sorry."

Hoseok sighs before flopping back down on the sofa, putting his head in his hands. Jimin takes this as an opportunity to walk over to the older man and crouch down in front of him.

"I told you I wouldn't push you, hyung. And I won't ask questions until you're ready to tell me. I'm only here to comfort you as prescribed by Dr. Yoongi." Jimin says, lightheartedly joking at the end in hopes of a response from his soulmate. At first, he doesn't think he'll get one but a few seconds later Hoseok pulls his hands away and there's a small smile on his face.

"Hyung actually called you?"

Jimin nods, finally moving to sit next to Hoseok and pull him into a side hug.

"Yeah, he called and told me to come get you. But I have a feeling you don't want to move yet."

"You're right I don't," Hoseok says quickly and Jimin laughs a little.

"Then we'll stay here for a while. Until you're feeling better, okay?"


He Has My NameNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ