"The usual?" the kind eyed cashier smiles over the counter.

"Yes please, Amy." I nod in return.

I take a step back while my coffee is made and my muffin packed into the small paper bag, admiring the new display of cheesecakes and desserts. I question whether I should buy myself a slice—but no doubt it wouldn't make it through the morning with Matt salivating over it.

"Amara, your order!" she raises her voice slightly, I must've been in such a calorie induced daze that I didn't hear her calling my name, again.

"Thank you." I scrunch my nose up awkwardly as I take the bag, along with my iced latte.

As I drive towards the hospital I feel the exhaustion creep in—it's not even 9am and my disrupted sleep is catching up with me already. I pull into the parking lot and take the last sip of energy I can manage before starting my shift. "Here we go again." I mumble to myself as I walk inside.

"Amara!" Matt yells as I approach the hospital doors.

"Hey, Matt," I smile, "Ready for another day?"

"Honey, when am I ever?" he rolls his eyes sarcastically.

"Can you please tell that man of yours to answer his phone, it's like he sends a text then throws his phone into the pacific." he adds, chuckling to himself as we walk inside.

"Well personally I've never had that problem," I wiggle my brow smugly, nudging his arm.

"Of course you haven't, you're his blue eyed girl, you get the special treatment while I wait three to five business days for a fucking reply." he groans, throwing his coffee cup into the trash.

"Oh, shut up." I laugh, clocking in for the day.

"Amara!" a strained voice yells, making me snap my head around.

"I hate to start your day off like this," a cautious eyed intern mumbles, "But Mrs. Smith is back again, and she won't let anyone within a five metre radius with a needle... besides you."

"Sam, can I pretend I didn't hear you and go eat my muffin?" I groan reluctantly.

"I know, I know. I've been at it for almost half an hour—she's asking for you." she sighs, wiping her forehead frustratedly.

"Okay, okay," I nod, taking off my jacket, "See you later, Matt." I scrunch up my nose.

"Tell her I said hi!" a sarcastic Matt yells after me, waving my lemon muffin in front of his face.

Mrs. Smith is an elderly woman who we see almost every day for different reasons. She's the talk of the hospital, really, for being so stubborn and rude to the nurses who try to help, as well as other patients. Although I've never had any problem with her, she's always been so kind to me since I started; telling me how I'm her favorite. But as special as that is, it also means that she won't let anybody else near her, therefore a large majority of the time I don't have to spend, is spent with her. She strikes me as lonely, I assume that's why she's here so much, just so she doesn't have to spend her time alone.

I don't know much about her, besides that she's widowed, and she has one son. I could tell from the get-go that she doesn't like to be coddled, or pitied—so I don't.

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