Chapter 7 | deeper and deeper

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Now it was 1am. You'd talked to the new alter and learnt that he and Ryuga have the best access to the inner world. But because this alter was a child, he'd been scared to talk to anyone, he didn't understand being in a system until you explained it. And fronting for the first time was obviously scary for him. He was a 7 year old in the body of a 25 year old.

Deneuve also spoke of another grownup that you didn't recognise the description of. Apparently no one had contacted them properly yet, but they were in there.

So it looked like it was a system of 5. You'd have to talk to L about it when he came to the front next. But... so much for getting the body to sleep. Now you had a 7 year old to take care of, one that was wide awake.

You given him one of your pastel hoodies, and made him some warm angel milk in an attempt to relive some of the 'grown up body' dysphoria. You'd have to get used to helping a child, and seeing an adults body.

"So, Deneuve... what do you like to do for fun?" You asked, attending to get to know him better.

He thought for a moment while sipping on his milk.

"Uhhh... colouring in, and playing with my toys and skipping games" he replied.

He must have his own little area in the inner world. It was odd hearing such babyish things come out of a body that's an adult but you had to get used to it.

"That's cool, what do you like to wear?"

"Pyjamas! They're the best!"

"And what do you look like?"

"I have green eyes... brown hair... I'm small. And I have freckles. The body looks so... emo"

You stifled your laughter at that statement. The body did look pretty overtired and sad, he wasn't wrong. But wrangling alters meant the body's sleep schedule was beyond fucked so you didn't blame the system for being so tired all the time. You wanted to keep him entertained until either he fell asleep or switched out, just so you could be there when one of the adults comes back to fill them in, so it looks like you'd be pulling an all nighter.

"How about I get some puzzles and we can do them for a little while ok?" You said.

"Ok!" He smiled.

You still had some toys from when you were little so you went to the shelf too pull out a few puzzle boxes and put them on the table. Opening one up you began to help Deneuve piece everything together. All was going well and you were getting to know him when you were interrupted buy a knock on the door to your floor.


"Keep going, I'm just going to see who that is. Make sure to be quiet ok?" You said.

Me nodded, engrossed in the puzzle. You left the room and opened the door to find the last person you wanted to see, Light.

"Light! Uh- what are you?" You stammered.

"What's all the noise? It's 1am" he asked, tired and out of it.

Shit, you forgot his floor was below yours.

"Uhh, just finishing some work" you said.

"Is Ryuzaki in there? Who are you talking too?"

He tried to look over your shoulder but you leaned over in front of him, blocking his view. Seeing what he thought was only Ryuzaki dressed like a kid and doing puzzles would definitely make him more suspicious than he already was.

"Yes, were going over security footage, we'll be quiet sorry" you said in an attempt to get him to leave.

"What is he doing that at 1am for, I know he doesn't sleep but you do" Light asked.

"We're just... behind that's all"

Light gave you a suspicious look, you gave him an awkward smile.

"What's with him lately, he's always zoning out, he's acting weird and it's like he's... hiding something" light mumbled.

"Well... uh, he's the worlds greatest detective! Of course he's probably hiding case information from you. You're a suspect" you replied.

"I guess..." Light said, a suspicious tone of voice.

"L-look we'll keep it down, sorry for waking you up"

"Right, Goodnight then"


With a final suspicious glance he turned and left, you closed the door and let out the biggest sigh of relief ever. Thank god, that could have gone badly. You went back into the other room where Deneuve had finished two whole puzzles. damn, he was quick.

"Wow that was fast" you said.

"I like puzzles, they're fun" he replied.

You sat down next to him and picked up a piece of the third puzzle he was working on, helping him finish it. You had no idea how to feel.

You cared for the system a lot. You were aware L, Ryuzaki and possibly Ryuga had crushes on you. And from the way things were going Deneuve will probably start to view you as a mother figure. Which you were fine with, if he wanted you as a mother figure you'd treat him as a son. It just made you confused as to what the adults meant to you... You had no idea how to feel. We're you in love with one of the alters? The whole system? Or is it just a care for them?

You'd never had a relationship with a system, you'd knew known a system before them. You wouldn't know what to do if a relationship did pop up.

Maybe you'd have to... talk to L about all this.

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