Chapter 35 | where to go from here

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A/n: final chapter! Remember this is a shorter story that was a side project so no big long series or anything. It was fun to write though, a very interesting concept.

So... what now?

Light was gone, Misa was taken care of, the death note was locked away. By all means the case was over, the taskforce would go back to their usual police lives and L and the system would move onto the next investigation. After a break of course, they needed it.

Although now you were in a relationship with them, you needed to figure out where to go from here. Move wherever they went with them? Do long distance? Quit your job as a police psychologist and investigate with them? So many options.

You'd thought about it for a while now, as long as the relationship had been going you'd wondered what you'd do once the case was over. The system was very attached to you at this point, they'd be pretty upset if you had to stay behind and do long distance.

Sitting by the window and pondering on it, a few floors down the taskforce were clearing out their stuff to take home. The building would still be kept under L's name for future cases in Japan. In the meantime it would be rented out to other businesses. You weren't sure what to do, you needed a job to afford the cost of living so you couldn't really just... not have one for the sake of travelling from case to case with the system. What to do... you weren't sure.

"There you are, taking a break?"

You knew that tone of voice. It was L.

"Hey, I'm thinking. That's all" you replied.

"About?" He asked.

"Where to go from here. I want to follow you guys on cases and keep being with you. But I need money to love you know? I can't really quit unless I have another job to go to, one that can be done from anywhere in the world as well"

The system had actually discussed this, they all knew if they wanted you to stay with them you needed a way to keep working. They'd thought about this and talked about it enough in the headspace they'd actually found a solution.

"Investigate with us, you can get half of the pay we get as the detective L. That way we're both being compensated for our work and you can come with us. We make enough as it is, you can be our partner in crime fighting" L suggested.

"So... I'd also be under the L title?"

"Yeah. The world doesn't know that L shares a body with a bunch of others. And they don't need to know that L is actually two people... well... a system of people and a person"

That wasn't actually a bad idea. You'd still be using the skills you have, you got to investigate, stay with the system and make enough to live. Plus, you'd always wanted to travel.

"Hmm... that might work actually" you said.

"Ryuga came up with it. There was absolutely no way he was letting you be separated from us, he might act all tough but he'd a total softie" L replied.


He paused a moment, seemingly listening to someone talking to him.

"Oh suck it up Ryuga you ARE a softie deep down" L muttered

You snickered, of course Ryuga would argue with that.

"You're so valuable to us, both with your system help and the love you have to give. We can't bare to loose you, there's no way we could go long distance and not have half the system in tears over it" L explained.

Giving him a smile, you took his hands and kissed the backs of them. It made him blush, and everyone close to the front found it flattering as well.

"I couldn't bare to leave you guys either. I'll come with you, if you're sure this will work then I'm coming home with you" you assured.

"It'll definitely work, we made sure of it" L

Smiling brighter, you kissed his cheek. He happily returned the gesture and kissed your cheek back. You loved how their kissed differed but still meant a lot.

L was a cheek kiss type of person, Ryuzaki liked the loving forehead kisses. Ryuga went for the neck, of course. Coil was one for the lips and Berry liked the tip of the nose. As for Deneuve who saw you as a caretaker, he'd go for anywhere on your face he could reach.

"I'm glad this case is over, it was a lot for us to take on. But it needed to be done. At least we got you out of it" L sighed.

"And I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, promise" you replied.

He fell silent again, listening to the chatter in his head. Clearly several people were nearby the front at the moment, probably because you were offering kisses and they all wanted one.

"Love how they all want to talk, but won't come out because they knew if they do they'll have to held clean the building..." L shook his head.

"Poor L, always doing the boring work" you giggled.

"That's being the host for you. All the everyday chores are left up to me"

"They all want a kiss huh?"

Just as you expected, he nodded still listening to the chatter.

"Ugh fine. I'll let you guys out after I'm done cleaning our desk out" L sighed.

Again you giggled, typical of them to leave all the boring work to L and only come out to steal your kisses.

"Why am I not surprised" L laughed.

"They're a handful but I love them. I love all of you, you all mean a lot to me in different ways" you said.

"I love you too, we all do. Thank you for everything (y/n). It means the world to us"

You pulled him into a hug, making sure to squeeze tight enough that maybe... just maybe the others could feel it somewhere in the headspace.

It would be fun, exiting even. Travelling around the world and investigating with the people you loved most. Even if they all shared a body they were all individuals, and each and every one of them had a special place in your heart.


Switched [L x Reader AU] • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now