Chapter 15 | discussions

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The system couldn't work today. Too much disassociation happening. It seems the others had kicked Ryuga into the front for the day to discuss this counter attack they were coming up with. Ryuga was usually a lot more energetic but the dissociation was causing him headaches, he was quite irritated.

"Fucking fuck can they be quiet for two seconds-" he groaned, trying to black out the noise from the headspace.

He lay half sitting up on the sofa on your floor of taskforce wrapped up in a blanket. This morning you'd woken up to him complaining of a headache and bitching about not being all there. He was not having a very grounded day today, the headspace was busy.

"Here" you said, handing him painkiller and some water.

"You legend, thanks" he sighed.

He took the pill, downed it with the water and put the glass on the coffee table. He didn't seem too comfortable.

"UGH FUCK- I hate when they kick me out and leave me to dissociate all day"

Ryuga was definitely the angry one of the system that's for sure. You sat next to him, and he immediately went to use your lap as a pillow.

"Fuck everything feels like it's not real, it's like I'm dreaming. Everyone is so loud and I feel sick I just want to sleep" he complained.

You ran your fingers though the bodies hair in an attempt to ease him. Maybe if he could focus on your touch he'd get a little more grounded.

"At least it's not Deneuve in the front, he'd be crying if he was feeling all this" you said.

"Why'd it have to be me though?" Ryuga replies.

"You know they're trying to come up with a plan. You're doing a good thing by putting up with this, I'm sure Ryuzaki will compensate for it somehow"

"I dissociate so easily though... too many trusts memories" he sighed.

That's right, he was a trauma holder. He held a lot of the not so nice experiences the system has had.

"I hate this light guy, he's a bitch. If it weren't for him be wouldn't be in this mess. Fucking asshole"

He had that right, no one on the system or you liked light. And after the stunt he pulled with the teddies you were especially weary of him. Deneuve was out for the rest of the damn day when it happened.

"Mmm... (y/n) make me better" Ryuga complained.

"I can't exactly stop you from dissociating sorry..."

Ironically, the second you said that he was off with the fairies. Dissociated into the void again, clearly the headspace was loud. All you could really do was try and keep him grounded, so you continued to stroke the bodies hair hoping he'd focus on the sensation.

"Fuck... my head" he sighed, slightly snapping back into reality.

"Hey. Tell me three things you can see" you said.


"Grounding. What can you see?"

He looked around, still a bit out of it.

"Uhh... you, the table... uh... the blanket" he replied.

"What can you hear?"

Again he looked around for something to focus on.

"You... the heater and the... uh- wind outside" he replied.

"And give me three textures you can feel"

Even if it didn't do much for him, you wanted to at least attempt to help. He needed some grounding at the moment, something to keep him in the front and focused.

"The blanket is fluffy, the sofa is like...fabric-y? And your thighs are squishy" he replied.

"Mentioning me a lot there" you snickered.

"You're comforting. Plus I'm literally using you as a pillow. Also you're giving me the worlds best head pats"

You smiled, you couldn't magically make his dissociation and headaches go away, but at least you can help keep him as grounded as you can.

"You've turned me soft. Fuck you" he joked.

"You were always soft dude, just too edgy to show it"

"I think I'm allowed to be edgy given the situation"

"True, but you were always soft to begin with mister angry at everything" you replied.

He gave you a playful glare, you weren't wrong he was a bit of a hot head with no filter. That didn't stop you from loving him though. He was fun to be with, the one in the system you can go out and get into harmless trouble with.

"I'm just realising the body isn't wearing socks. I'm going to kill whoever took them off earlier" he joked.

"L doesn't like socks, it was probably him" you replied.

"How does he not like socks? This body is so bloody cold all the time, mans is a damn lizard or some cold blooded shit"

You laughed at his remark, he was right about that too. The body was rather cold a lot, that's why they all loved hugs from you, because you warmed them up. Reaching up, Ryuga grabbed your cheeks and pulled you down to place a kiss on your lips. Allowing him to, you returned said kiss gladly.

"Keep giving me head pats so I can fall asleep will ya? Dunno who'll wake up in the body but I need a goddamn fucking nap" he asked.

"Sure thing, the body needs sleep as it is" you replied.

"Sorry for dumping extra work on you by the way, I don't know much about the current state of the case. That's L and Ryuzakis job"

"Don't worry about it. I'm here to help. Now take that nap, I'll treat you like the catboy you are and keep giving your head pats"

He smiled, shifting slightly to be more comfortable in your lap and pulling the blanket up.

"Thanks (y/n), I love you" he smiled.

"I love you too, pass that on to the others as well"

Switched [L x Reader AU] • Death NoteHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin