Chapter 3 | stress

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You'd been walking around the floors, it was late, most of the taskforce asleep. But there was one person still awake.


It seems Light has started to notice that L was... off. He obviously wouldn't even begin to imagine it was DID causing it, but he wanted answers. So who did he decide to go to? You. The one who was clearly closest to him.


You turned to face the source of the noise, seeing Light behind you. He looked like he'd tried to fall asleep but given up on it. Standing in the hallway in pyjamas with less then perfect hair.

"Damn, unlike you to be awake this late. Don't you need your beauty sleep?" You snickered.

"Oh shush. I have a question, you're the closest to L so I'm guessing you'd know"

You gave him a skeptical look, why did the main suspect want to know about L?

"Do you know why he's so... out of it? Every time I talk to him he's got this 'lights are on but no ones home' vibe" Light asked.


You couldn't tell Light of all people about L's DID. If he was Kira he could use alters to get to the name of the body. He could trick a child alter, he could accidentally trigger someone, he could offend an alter and start a fight, he could cause a system bleed. It was too dangerous.

"You know how little sleep he gets, he's probably just overtired" you replied.

"Yeah but it's almost like he's two different people, he'll zone out and come back a while new person"

Crap, he already knew that much. If he even heard the worlds 'alternate personality' he could figure it out.

"I'm sure it's just a side effect of sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep can make you easily ticked off and a little loopy sometimes"

"I guess so, he's just a bit... odd to me" Light said.

"Understandable, I mean who else sits all curled up like that?" You replied.

Little did you know that the system themselves were listening from the monitors as the cameras watched you. Ryuzaki, who was fronting, was glad you were keeping it secret. He knew he could trust you then. It took some stress off his plate. He was stressed a lot recently.

The case, the suspect being in the building 24/7, the constant dissociation and switching. Not to mention the looming presence is unknown alters. He only had good communication with L, and ok communication with another alter you didn't know about yet. All three knew there were a few alters lurking in the inner world that haven't shown themselves yet. But as stress levels rise, the likelihood of another alter showing up grew. L was always the one who tried to calm people down.

L, being the host, was kind of like the dad of the system.

Ryuzaki, the protector was like a bodyguard of sorts.

And the one alter you hadn't seen yet, well... you couldn't tell. But you were told by L that he was the one who could physically defend the body the best. Ryuzaki was more of a passive protector. He'd rather verbally defuse a situation. This other alter wouldn't be afraid to throw a punch in self defence.

Ryuzaki could hear the names Coil and Denevue sometimes, yes he used them as aliases too, but he was sure they were alters that hadn't properly shown themselves yet. But there was another voice he heard... maybe... a child?

He was snapped out of his semi-dissociated state when you walked into the room, letting out a sigh.

"You actually covered for us... thank you" he said.

"Of course I did, I told you that you could trust me. Light will pry and pry but I won't budge" you replied, sitting next to him.

He turned to face you and immediately started to dissociate again.

"I'm tired and L's been wanting to come out all day. I'll let him switch but before I do, since you're kind of our shield now I want you to know something"


"This case is extremely stressful on us. High stress can lead to the formation of new alters, splits or alters showing themselves for the first time. Just be aware of that in case someone new comes to the front during the case" he explained.

"Got it, I'll keep a look out and be gentle. You look like your about to disappear into the void, get some rest Ryuzaki" you replied.


Almost immediately as those words left his mouth, you could see a visible switch as his body language shifted. L was out. He took a second to come back to reality, the looked up at you and smiled. That adorable smile you wanted to see more of.

"Finally! He's been pushing me back all day!" L giggled.

"Hey, L. Miss me?" You smiled back.

"Yes! You're so much fun! Ryuzaki really needs to rest and stop stressing so much"

"He does but he's just trying to protect you"

"I know, I know. But I worry about him sometimes. Anyway, what did I miss?"

L was so bubbly compared to Ryuzaki. He was shy at first, but as he grew to trust you he became so open.

"Nothing really, case stuff. Light being a sneak but I covered for you" you said.

"Ugh... Light. The few times I've interacted with him I've never liked him. That sounds mean... but I can't help it he's just too, I don't know, freakishly perfect?" He replied.

"I get that"

He stood up, stretching out the body's limbs.

"Geez, has Ryuzaki even got up today?"

You laughed at his comment. Now that he bought it up, you were pretty sure he didn't, maybe only once.

"I don't think so" you said.

"Well I'm going to not have sore joints and actually move them around. Wanna do something?"

You thought for a moment, coming up with something to do.

"Uh... how about we make a cake?" You suggested.

"Yes please! Strawberry shortcake would be great!" L smiled.

You got up, leading the way to the kitchen to start on a delicious cake. You knew that you'd end up making a cake with someone in the system eventually, the whole system loved deserts. So you made sure the fringe was always stocked with supplies.

"Hey (y/n)?"


"You like hugs right?"

You turned to face him with an amused but confused look.

"Yeah? Why?" You questioned.

"Ryuzaki isn't very touchy-feely, but I like hugs. Hugs are it with him, so I don't get them often" he explained.

With a smile, you caught his drift and pulled him into your arms, giving him a tight, warm hug. He gladly accepted, wrapping his arms around you and snuggling into your shirt. L was definitely the sensitive one of the system.

"You're really warm, and you smell so nice..." you mumbled.

"That's be my perfume, it's frangipani" you replied.

"You're a good hugger, can I hug you more often?"

"Whenever you like. All alters are welcome for hugs. Although something tells me you'd die for a hug..."

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