Chapter 22 | split

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Having taken photos of the death note and all the pages inside, you uploaded them all into a slide show for convenience so you could flip through each page digitally. The book itself was currently in a sealed brief case and going to be sent off to L's successors, a page was torn from the book and kept in an evidence bag to allow the taskforce to see the shinigami attached to it.

You and the system had gotten all the boring work done, all the documentation. Now you had to break all this information to the taskforce.

Ryuzaki was willing to do so, as he was the best at staying calm and un-emotional. It would take a lot to trigger him. So he was the one in the front to break the news.

The taskforce probably wouldn't be happy you'd kept critical information from them, and you absolutely expected outrage. But it was all to keep the book away from Light.

"Alright... I need every single one of you to hold back your inevitable outrage until AFTER I've finished explaining. That way we can avoid unnecessary questions and petty arguments... Listen up" Ryuzaki began.

You couldn't help but feel a little on edge as you stood beside him, knowing he was under a lot of stress already and this would definitely be stressing him out more... you hoped nothing went wrong.

"We did find the weapon, we kept it hidden for safety reasons and we took evidence photos and have a part of it here. The actual weapon itself... I've sent it to my people for testing" Ryuzaki explained.

"Hang on- you FOUND the weapon and didn't tell-" Aizawa began.

"Let him finish" you cut off.

Ryuzaki glanced at you to thank you before continuing.

"I know this will be hard to believe but it's a book. The second Kira's diary mentions it as well so there's more than enough proof to show it's real"

Using a remote he pulled up pictures of the death note and the taskforce seemed rather confused. How could a book be a weapon.

"I found it hard to believe too but (y/n) was the one who grabbed it and her reaction to what she saw proved to me that she wasn't joking. This is the weapon. It's called a Death Note, according to the rules written in it, any human whose name is written in it will die within 40 seconds. If no cause of death is specified they default to a heart attack" Ryuzaki explained.

"You're telling me a stupid notebook killed thousands of people? That's absurd" Aizawa said.

"How can a book cause a heart attack?" Matsuda asked.

"Keep in mind this case isn't a normal one. How can someone magically die of a heart attack and have their actions controlled?" Ryuzaki replied.

His point made the taskforce shut up, realising they had to set aside their disbelief.

"When we touched the book, and subsequently the paper inside it something... happened. Again it's all some weird magic we've never seen before but it revealed that a shinigami, who the second Kira also mentioned in the tapes, was attached to the book"

He pulled out the paper in its evidence bag, and carefully took it out to hand to the taskforce members. You both had reason to believe after reading all the rules that simply touching the paper won't bring back any power or memory to Light and Misa. All it will do is allow them to see Rem. Rem in question being silent as she watched from the side of the room.

"Looks like regular paper to m-" Mr Yagami said, taking the paper and immediately being proven wrong when he looked up to see Rem.

He jumped at the sight, and was sent into a stunned silence for a moment before Aizawa grabbed the paper off him to see what the fuss was.

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