Chapter 17 | inner world meeting

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The headspace, it took the form of a building similar to wammys. Rustic wooden floorboards, long hallways with chandeliers, rooms for each of the alters. And at the very top of the building was the 'front'. Step into that door and you're fronting in the body.

What a systems headspace looks like is completely up to chance based of the systems experience and life. Some can control it rather well, some can't. Some don't even have a headspace area it's just... nothing in there.

It wasn't really a surprise that the detective systems headspace was similar to the orphanage they grew up in. It was a familiar area after all. Under the main floors of the building, was a dark endless basement where a lot of the darker parts of systems were. Fragments and such.

There was a library above it where Coil often was. While they were the caretaker, they also acted as a bit of a gatekeeper, making sure memories that were too traumatic for some alters were kept away from them.

Deneuve has his own playroom down the hall, where he often spent time playing with his toys.

Ryuga was usually in his room, that was similar to what the systems room at wammys looked like in their teenage years.

Ryuzaki was usually in the office by the front. Working on keeping the system safe as the protector.

Next to it was L's room, when he as the host wasn't in the front he was usually in there sleeping... or at least trying to sleep.

There was a long winding hall with spiral stairs that connected all the floors, the further you walked down the hall, the more vague and void like the surroundings got. That part of the headspace not being fully formed. And when new alters show up it always tends to be out of that part of the hall. The building was so big and winding it was easy to get lost if you didn't low your way around and it was also easy to hide in. Sometimes the alters found themselves wondering if there were more they didn't know about wandering the halls behind their backs.

It was currently just after work ended, they'd had Deneuve switch out to the front to be occupied by you playing with him so the adults could talk.

Meetings took place in a big dining room somewhat near the front. That's where they all sat at the moment, around the table.

"Ok, so I talked to (y/n), and we have a plan" Ryuzaki said.

"Alright, let's hear it" Ryuga replied.

"Get your feet off the table Ryuga"


Ryuzaki rolled his eyes, knowing there was no use arguing with him.

"L you're the one that can pilot a helicopter right?" Ryuzaki asked.

"Yeah I can, you want me to front for it?" He replied.

"Yeah. Me and Coil will make sure no one fronts while you're flying as best as we can. We'll go ahead with the yotsuba plan using Matsuda as bait in Sakura TV. But we'll have (y/n) raid Higuchi's car for the weapon and contain it in a pouch she'll keep under her shirt so Light can't even think about touching it. From there we'll send it straight to wammys where the successors and Roger will keep it safe. L and I will direct what to do with it from there. The goal is make sure Light can't get anywhere near it" Ryuzaki explained.

"Are you sure the successors will be safe? They're kids still" Coil asked.

"They're kids but they're incredibly smart. There's a reason they're our successors, plus they'll have Roger there too. Once we've determined the weapon is real and works, we'll fingerprint it and it'll reveal Light and Misas fingerprints. And since they didn't touch it during the raid, it'll prove they had it before Higuchi did. Therefore we can prove through that and handwriting analysis that they indeed did commit the crimes and can be arrested"

It was an elaborate and risky plan, but it just might work. Especially if everyone was quick and careful about it.

"Hmm... I'm a bit worried about it but it's not like we have much of another option" Coil said.

"Same, but keeping everyone alive and arresting the Kira fuckers are the priority" Ryuga added.

"Ryuga, Coil I need you two to focus on keeping the system calm and in order from in here as well as when you guys get triggered out by something during this. It's going to be a stressful plan especially since Light is onto us. But we can't let him or the stress cause a split or decline in our health. Right now a new alter would be a bit of a mess. (Y/n) will help with this, she's making sure we don't overwork ourselves. As well as keeping us away from Light" Ryuzaki explained.

Coil smiled, leaning forward onto the table resting their head in their hands.

"She's such a sweetheart" they sighed.

"You fell hard and fast huh? Can't blame you she's a bad bitch" Ryuga replied.

"Ryuga can we not refer to your partner like that?" Ryuzaki sighed.

"It's a good term! She's badass"

"She is quite the powerhouse, she knows how to handle herself and help us in the process" L added.

Ryuzaki loved all the system members I'd course, but he and Ryuga were pretty different and sometimes they did get on each other's nerves a bit.

"Yes I agree she's an absolute angel, I'm not sure if 'bad bitch' is appropriate language that's all-" Ryuzaki sighed.

"ITS A GOOD TERM!" Ryuga snapped.

"Ok, ok let's not fight. We all love her, we've established this. Now if I can change the subject for a moment..." Coil jumped in.

They boys turned to them, wondering what they had to say.

"So far all the alters have been male, aside from me who is whatever the hell you all want me to be. But have you guys ever considered we might end up with a female alter?" Coil asked.

It was silent for a moment. The boys honestly haven't really thought too deeply about it before.

"I mean I know it's a possibility but... I never really thought too hard about it..." Ryuga spoke up.

"I have thought about it. But since we haven't got one I guess I kind of forgot..." L said.

"Why? What bought this up?" Ryuzaki asked.

"It's just that after I stole (y/n) cardigan that one day, it dawned on me that if we do end up with a girl alter we have nothing for her. All our clothes are typically masculine, she'd be dysphoric in the body, and of course there's the question of what her relationship with (y/n) would be. I'm just thinking maybe we should ask (y/n) to be aware that could happen one day and to be ready in case a girl alter comes into the front for the first time and is overwhelmed in the male body" Coil asked.

The boys all found it reasonable and agreed. Deneuve was uncomfortable in the body sometimes because it was an adult one and he's only 7. So they couldn't imagine the stress a potential girl alter might feel fronting in a male body.

"Sounds good. I'll talk to her when I'm out later on" L said.

"By the way coil, how are you in the body?" Ryuzaki asked.

"Oh I'm not that fussed. The voice throws me off sometimes, it's a bit deep. But I'm relatively ok with it. I can make it androgynous if I try" they replied.

"Alright that's good. I'm sure (y/n) can help if you need anything"

You seemed to pop up in the conversation a lot, proof that you'd made quite the impact on the system. Off in the distance, they could all hear Deneuve in the front playing clapping games with you, it sounded like the apple on a stick clap they'd not heard since being at the orphanage.  You truly were such a help to the system, and they all appreciated the hell out of your for it.

"They're really good at that-" coil said, vaguely hearing what was happening in the front.

"You can count on Deneuve to win any clapping game that's for sure" L smiled, reminded of one of the very few good things about his childhood.

They wondered how long Deneuve would make you play clapping games, he could go for hours if someone didn't stop him. L might have to come to your rescue and replace him in the front later on if Deneuve didn't chill out...

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