Chapter 25 | berrys first try

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It seems berry was a bit front stuck. The others must be trying to gather themselves in the headspace because berry wasn't able to switch out the next day. Which meant she'd have to pretend to he Ryuzaki and continue the case as best as she could.

The problem? She was brand new and had no idea how to be a detective. You agreed to do the work on the systems behalf so she could catch up on what was going on and all she'd have to do is focus on pretending to be Ryuzaki.

"(Y/n) I'm scared, I don't even know these guys! And that Light guy? He's the one that caused the split in the first place!" She whispered.

"You'll be fine, I'm right here with you. All you need to do is pretend to be Ryuzaki, plus the taskforce will understand if you seem a bit dazed after that happened" you replied.

She looked down the hall where she could see the taskforce in the main room at the end of the hall.

"Ok... ugh I wish I didn't have to wear these boy clothes" she sighed.

"You can wear some of my clothes after work ok? Unfortunately I've never seen Ryuzaki wear a skirt so..."

"I know, it just feels so weird in this body. I'm not used to hearing such a deep voice when I talk"

"I bet it's uncomfortable, but hey at least the bodies hair is long enough to make little pigtails" you said.

"We should get some bon bon hair ties for it!"

Gah, she was so cute. Even in the face of a scary situation and in a very uncomfortable position she was able to smile through it. Taking a breath she worked up the courage and followed you into the main room where the taskforce sat.

"Good morning" you said.

You got a series of good mornings back, and you glanced at Berry to join in too.

"Oh- g-good morning" she added.

The taskforce didn't question the slight delay after what happened, and just said good morning back. You could tell berry was anxious, but she a was holding it together well. You sat at your desks, and were ready to get to work on the case when Mr Yagami approached you, you and Berry braced for what he's say.

"Ryuzaki, I just wanted to say I do not condone Lights actions yesterday. I have no idea what's gotten into him lately but I'll see to it not happening again" he said.

Oh? That was a pleasant surprise. Usually he'd defend his son tooth and nail, but maybe after seeing his horrible actions for himself he'd snapped out of the fatherly protection mode a little bit.

"Oh! Uh- thanks... I wasn't expecting that" Berry replied, trying her best to emulate Ryuzakis speech patterns.

"Is... everything ok?"

"I'm... ok now. Just um..."

"Dazed?" You suggested.

"Yeah, dazed" she added.

Mr Yagami was one of those people that had strong morals, and stuck by them. So even though he was lights dad and had dad instincts, he saw with his own eyes the effects of Lights actions on someone that was clearly struggling behind the emotionless mask and didn't stand by that.

"He's getting chewed out for that, I assure you" Mr Yagami said.

"Thanks, appreciate it" Berry replied.

You and Berry were actually a little shocked by that interaction, but did appreciate it. Maybe the taskforce was finally waking up to Lights bad behaviour now they've seen it for themselves.

"I wasn't expecting that" berry whispered to you.

"Neither was I honestly. Maybe that little spat of his was what the taskforce needed for a wake up call" you replied.

"I hope, that way this whole mess would be over sooner"

You were about to respond further when you saw a familiar peppy skip down the stairs from the corner of your eye.

"Oh hang on- Misa's coming-" you warned.

She walked over, and leaned over your shoulders to greet you both for the morning as she usually did.

"Hey guys! Still trying to arrest me?" She joked.

"Maybe if you keep being so pretty and stealing boys hearts. Theft of illegal you know" you joked.

"Well guilty as charged then"

You snickered at the cheesy humour, even if she was the second Kira she was at least a fun person to hang with. It was sad she was Kira really, you could be great friends if she wasn't.

"By the way... you good Ryuzaki?" She asked.

"I'm...ok. Just dazed" Berry replied.

"Oh good. I was worried there, I've dissociated before and it's NOT fun. 0/10 would not recommend. I've already grilled Light for that little stunt, he's probably throwing a tantrum over getting told off right now"

You both snickered again, amused that even light's girlfriend was roasting him.

"Don't stress yourself out ok?" She added before skipping off to go make some breakfast.

Berry watched her skip off, and turned to you once she was gone.

"I want her socks" she said.

"The bunny ones? Yeah they're hella cute" you replied.

Something told you not much work would be done while berry was out. Too many things to talk about, and too many cute outfits to design together. But you did have to get through the day, and hold down the fort until berry got un-stuck and was able to switch out with someone else.

While you and Berry tried to stay on task and not get distracted, the cause of the split was sitting upstairs still in bed despite the others all being downstairs and working. Light was mad, fuming. He hated being told no and the fact his father and 'girlfriend' had grilled him all night for triggering the system made him beyond annoyed. He was fully aware what he did was wrong but he didn't care, he was too caught up in trying to get the bodies legal name to kill them with.

He knew that Ryuzaki was secretly a system, he knew that if he played his cards right he could use that to get the right name out of them. But you were standing between him and the system as a guard of sorts.

He decided that if he was going to get that name from the system, he needed to get past you first.

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