Chapter 18 | progress

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When you woke up, you found yourself on the sofa in the main room instead of bed. For a moment you forgot what you were doing there but it came back to you once you'd taken a second to properly get up. Last night you and Ryuzaki stayed up to put this plan into action. He'd contacted 'his people' in England and now awaited a response. While the taskforce knew that Higuchi was the yotsuba Kira, you still needed a chance to swoop in and grab the weapon. Once you had it, it would be sent to the guys in England to be investigated far away from Light.

Light was still a bit of a risk though, since he knew about the system but just couldn't prove it. It was clear he wanted to try and lure out an alter that would accidentally give him the bodies legal name. Most likely a child alter or one that's more timid and easily scared into submission.

The system had a meeting the other day, and Ryuzaki relayed their verdict back to you. Everyone was in on the plan and appreciated your help. Ryuga would be on guard in case something went wrong and he had to come out to fight, Coil would make sure Deneuve only comes out when it's safe to, and L and Ryuzaki would swap out to make the plan in the physical world go smoothly. And of course you were in standby to make sure Light didn't try anything.

"Morning sunshine"

Ah, that speech pattern.

"Morning Ryuga" you replied.

He sat with his feet up on the desk, the body was usually curled up thanks to L and Ryuzaki so whenever Ryuga was in the front he'd always be stretched out.

"I completely forgot I even fell asleep here... man my back hurts now..." you complained.

"Yeah a cramped couch doesn't look comfortable. I was gonna take you to bed but Ryuzaki told me not to wake you" Ryuga replied.

No one else was awake yet, the floor was empty and just you and Ryuga were present. Good, Ryuga isn't the best at masking as Ryuzaki. His speech pattern and short temper make him a bit obvious. Not to mention the complete change in body language.

"How's the system?" You asked.

"Good, overheard Coil desperately trying to get Deneuve to take a nap. That kid as enough energy to power a whole power plant"

You snickered at the image of sweet and gentle Coil desperately trying to get an energetic kid to calm down as politely as possible.

"Why'd you switch? Ryuzaki got tired?"

"Yeah. I also got bored and wanted to see you" Ryuga replied.

"Ah, what a suck up"

"Hey I'm allowed to be a suck up. You could crush this lanky ass body with one hand and I respect that"

Oh so he liked tough girls huh? Probably was rather impressed when you pulled him off light so swiftly during that fight then. Each of the alters had something they particularly liked about you, and it seems your strength was Ryugas favourite. Although... that strength only came out on occasion since boy is exercise tiring.

"So an-"

"Shh!" You shushed, cutting him off.

It was silent for a moment while you listened and Ryuga sat there confused. It wasn't until he heard footsteps on the floor above you that he realised.

"God damnit" he sighed.

"Whoever is awake better go the other way because quite frankly you're bad at masking" you said.

"Oh I know. I just don't understand how Ryuzaki does his smart people talk..."

Unfortunately for the both of you, those footage got closer and quickly Ryuga jumped into Ryuzakis usual position to at least try and cover up the fact he's a whole different person. And to your dismay, it ended up being Light.

"Oh, good morning" you said with a bit of salt in your tone.

"Good morning" light yawned.

Ryuga didn't say anything, just mindlessly scrolled at the computer pretending to work and hoping Light would leave him alone. But that man was sly, and somehow he just knew something was up.

"Ryuzaki... good morning" he said.

"Yeah, good morning..." Ryuga responded, uninterested.

"So... anyone have any new leads in there?"

Even though that sentence could be interpreted in many ways, both you and Ryuga knew that 'anyone' was referring to alters and 'in there' meant the headspace.

"Nope, no one on taskforce has found anything. Looks like we need to keep watching Higuchi" you jumped in trying to get him away.

", shame. It would take someone like Ryuzaki to spot a new lead in this case" he replied.

Ryuga glared at him, not only because he knew Light was taunting him for a reaction but because he basically just said Ryuzaki is the only smart one in the system. Which just wasn't true, they were all smart.

"Y-yeah Ryuzaki is the worlds greatest detective for a reason huh? Right Ryu?" You said.

"I didn't get here by not being smart" Ryuga replied, a little annoyed but still trying to mask as Ryuzaki.

Light could see that you weren't going to stop getting in between him and the system, and decided to drop it and try again later. He wanted to find a time when you weren't around to try again.

"Well, I'm gonna make breakfast. I'll be back later" he said, heading out the other door to the kitchen.

You sighed in frustration when he left, turning back to Ryuga.

"(Y/n) I want to punch that smug mother fucker so bad-" he seethed.

"Don't worry hun, so do I" you replied.

Ryuga took a breath to keep in his anger. No use getting worked up and potentially triaging himself or someone in the system. Ryuga was definitely the one who hated light the most.

"You know... it'd be like, super hot if you punched him for me" he teased.

"As hot as it would be I don't feel like getting chewed out by his dad. But don't you worry, I want to punch him as much as you do" you replied.

"Oh how I'd love to watch a pretty girl beat up a gross man"

You snickered at his interesting attempts at flirting, sometimes it was funny to see Ryugas personality in a body more akin to L.

"One day honey, one day"

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