Chapter 27 | inside the mind

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Lights stunt had really messed up the system. And I'm an attempt to get everyone on the same page, a meeting was called.

Deneuve was sent out to the front to play with you while the adults talked. And for the first time, the rest of the system met Berry.

Around the table in the inner world, they all say. L, Ryuzaki, Coil, Ryuga and Berry.

Ryuzaki being the one that split was still pretty shaken up, but since Berry was basically made from a part of him he was determined to make sure she was ok as the newest member.

"Are you sure you're ok?" He asked, weighted blanket wrapped around his shoulders.

"I'm alright now. I was scared at first but (y/n) helped me" Berry replied.

"How about dysphoria? Is that too hard for you?" Coil asked.

"I can handle it for a little bit, especially when (y/n) gives me her clothes. But after a while it gets really uncomfortable"

Ryuga kicked his feet up onto the table and leaned back in his chair, rather pissed off about whole situation.

"Berry" he began.

Berry turned to him, tilting her head.

"If Light does anything to you, let me front and I'll Fuck him up. No man lays his filthy hands on a girl on my watch"

"Ryuga let's not get violent" Ryuzaki sighed.

"What? I'm just saying if he crosses a line I'll take care of it" Ryuga replied.

Berry giggled, glad to know the other others were looking out her her since she still wasn't used to everything going on yet.

"But enough about me, Ryuzaki are you ok?" Berry asked.

"Uh... yeah. I'll be fine. I just need time to regain myself, L will be running the case for a while" he replied.

"I'm the host anyway, makes sense I'd be out often" L said.

They were all on the same page, now they'd started picking up the pieces from lights stunt, things could get back on track. And with your help hopefully things would go smoothly.

"Alright. We've covered the case, the split, Berry... any other topics to discuss?" Coil asked.

Ryuga raised his hand, having a burning question on his mind.

"Yes, Ryuga?" Coil replied.

"Sooo if (y/n) is your girlfriend..."


"If she wants to like... do things, you catch my drift? Who's gonna front for that?"

Ryuzaki rolled his eyes, expecting a question like this from Ryuga of all people.

"Hey don't roll your eyes at me! It's a valid question! Couples fuck sometimes and we definitely don't want Deneuve in the front when that happens!" Ryuga replied.

"Well... that's true. If that does happen, I'll keep Deneuve away from the front. One of you three can be in the front, maybe I can too if someone keeps Deneuve occupied" Coil said.

They all looked at each other, wondering who would cave and admit they wanted to be in the front for it.

"Well, as much as I'd like too... dysphoria you know? I don't know if I could do that in a boys body" Berry spoke up.

"I'll do it, don't have to ask me twice" Ryuga smiled.

"Of course you would..." Ryuzaki sighed.

They all looked over at L, who was yet to give his two cents on the topic.

"I mean... I'd like to but... I've never done it before..." L replied.

"None of us have, at least not in the body. I'm sure (y/n) would understand. So we've settled that them, if that situation does happen, I'll keep Deneuve away from the front and L or Ryuga can take care of it" Coil said.

They agreed, maybe one day the others would get to as well if they wanted to. But for now that job was for Ryuga and L.

They'd covered all their topics, and gotten up to speed with each other now. They had to wait for the results from wammys, the successors were forensically testing the death note for fingerprints and such. Doing it that way meant it was away from Light and he couldn't use it, but it also meant having to wait a little longer for results. So right now, the case was at a pause.

They had to avoid Lights antics until those results came back. Hopefully that wouldn't take too long.

Meanwhile, Misa sat up in her room desperately tearing through her mind. She was so conflicted, she loved Light and wanted him to be a better person. But after seeing him trigger a system on purpose she was having second thoughts about him. And she found out about the system by complete accident, she didn't want to offend or scare the system by telling them she knew. But at the same time it felt mean to hide it from them.

She was so overwhelmed, all she knew was she wasn't letting Light pull some bullshit like the other day again.

As she was lost in thought, she blankly starred at the photo on her vanity of her and her parents only months before they died. She knew the pain of trauma, she knew the confusion of disassociation, she knew the exhaustion of depression. And if L was a system, then what we they experienced would have been 10x more amplified than what she'd experienced. She couldn't imagine that pain.

That was it, she had to say something.

Getting up, she marched up the stairs with determination to prove she wasn't a threat to the system. She walked the halls on a mission to make things right, and turned the corner to your room. Without even knocking, she opened the door and found you with whoever was in the body doing puzzles on the table.

"M-Misa!" You exclaimed, panicked because the little was in the front and didn't know Misa that well.

"(Y/n) please let me explain! I promise I'm not going to hurt them!" She began.

Them? As in... plural them? Not gender neutral them? She knew.

"You-" you muttered, internally screaming.

"I didn't mean to. I only overheard by accident! I promise I'm not going to hurt them, please just let me explain" she pleaded.

It was silent for a moment, you couldn't decide weather to trust her or not. Deneuve looked at you, then at Misa. He'd seen Misa before, but didn't know much about her. But his 7 year old mind trapped in L's 25 year old body spotted one thing and one thing only.

"Teddy pigtails!" He smiled, noticing the teddy hair bands holding Misas pigtails up.

You both looked back at him, there was no way you could hide that wasn't L in the body now.

"Alright... explain everything. But if you DARE double cross us-" you began, Misa cut you off.

"I know. You'll have my head on a silver platter. I promise, I promise I'm not going to hurt them"

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