Chapter 30 | Lights ego

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That stunt of Lights had put you on edge, you knew he was trying to manipulate you. You knew something was wrong.

But young couldn't figure out what, that whole dragging Misa into it thing seemed so odd. He knows Misa is obsessed with him so why would he try and suggest she's trying to get with L? Both you and the system knew full well you'd only ever belong to each other, Misa wasn't even interested. So why was Light trying to pull something like that?

It both worried and baffled you, having no clue what his next move was.

For weeks you were on edge, trying to figure out what he was trying to manipulate you into. Never leaving the systems side in the process, not wanting him anywhere near them. You were so focused on trying to figure out what Light was trying to manipulate you into, you completely failed to realise... he'd already manipulated you.

All you did was get up out of your seat to get some papers from the printer, you left for 3 minutes maximum. But when you turned to come back, you found that the door had be locked. And you were trapped inside the computer room, with no keys on you there was no way for you to get out.

"Damnit... guess I have to call someone to come let me out" you sighed, digging into your pockets for your phone.

Who would lock the door if you were in there? Did they not see you or was the lock acting up and it was just a mistake. You didn't think anything of it until you scrolled last Lights contact in your phone and suddenly, it all clicked.

He's manipulated you into thinking he was trying to psychologically trick you, and distracted you from his actual plan. To lock you in, and get to the system while you were away from them.

"Shit... SHIT! NO NO NO!" You hissed, realising what was going on.

You quickly called L's number hoping Light hadn't gotten to him yet, only to hear the phone ring on the floor above you. The floor where the system WASN'T, they were down several floors and left the phone upstairs.

"FUCK-" you exclaimed, hanging up and trying to think of a solution.

After a moment of panicked thinking you realised there was still someone in the building with you that was in the know about the system , Misa. You called her contact, hearing her phone ring nearby and get picked up.

"Girl you're literally like two floors down" Misa answered.

"Lights locked me in the computer room, which means HE IS ALONE WITH THE SYSTEM, COME LET ME OUT QUICK!" You explained.


She hung up, and you could hear her footsteps rush down the stairs and halls until she got to the door.

"Where's the keys?" She asked.

"L's office, second drawer. HURRY!" You replied.

"Got it!"

Hearing her run off again, you hoped she could find them quickly. You were terrified about what was going on downstairs right now...

After locking you in, Light had casually gone back to his seat as if nothing had happened and he'd only left for a brief moment to get a drink. Invested in the case, L was in the front and scrolling through the report sent to him from wammys house and his successors findings on the death note that had finally come in.

This was what he'd been waiting for, with this he could finally get the ball rolling to close the case. But he was interrupted when two hands came down on the desk, either side of the computer and made him jump at the loud noise.

"Alright L, or whoever you are. We can do this easy, or hard. The taskforce can't interfere so don't even THINK about calling me coddled by them or anything-" Light began.

Switched [L x Reader AU] • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now