Chapter 13 | plans

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Finally done with your work for the day, you decided to go head up to the systems room to see what they were up to before heading to bed. After all, they're your partners now. That you did, wandering up the stairs and heading inside.

You found whoever was driving the body busy making something in the kitchen deep in thought.

"Woah the body wearing DIFFERENT clothes for once? Never thought I'd see the day" you joked.

Looking up, they smiled.

"Ah, (y/n)! Those boys are always so picky about the clothes. No fashion sense at all"

Ah, this was definitely coil.

"I do believe that's my cardigan" you said.

"You have such pretty clothes, I hope you don't mind"

Coil had stolen a cardigan off you. A slightly oversized fluffy one with strawberries on it. It seems love for strawberries was a system wide thing.

"It's fine. What are you making?" You asked.

"This system burns through cake so I figured I'd make some more. Shortcake of course" coil replied.

Coil seemed more... girly than the others. Just from speech, fashion taste and the use of any pronouns. It was definitely different to see it come from the body the system associated with L.

"You seemed deep in thought" you said.

"I am, I'm trying to figure out the best course of action to combat Light. I talked to Ryuzaki and he agreed that Deneuve and L need to be kept away from him where possible. Ryuga and his hot temper need to be kept in check was well. So far we haven't come up with a plan yet, just an outline really..." coil explained.

"I'd suggest something if I had anything. But yeah I can't think of anything at the moment either. Other than... avoid him where possible for a while"

Pouring the cake mix into the tin, they scraped out every last bit and put it in the oven to cook. Setting a 40 minuet timer. Now all that was left to do was wait.

"Come here darling" coil said, holding out the body's arms for a hug.

You gladly accepted, wrapping your arms around them in return.

"Thank you for looking out for us. I know we say if a lot but I really do mean it" they said.

"Don't mention it, you're all my partners, I'm a caretaker for Deneuve, I'll help lift some of that weight where I can no matter what ok?" You replied.

"You really are such a sweetheart"

With a kiss placed on your cheek, you smiled and grabbed the bodies hand to head over to the lounge area to wait for the cake. You sat next to each other, not bothering to look over at the work in the table or give it any attention.

"I have to ask... how does the body feel to you. I know some of the others notice the height difference, the voice difference, what's it like for you?" You asked.

"It's not too off putting. Though I wish the others would sit up straight for once, my back is killing me. The hair being shorter kind of throws me off sometimes, I go to tie it back out of habit only to find there's nothing too tie back" coil explained.

"What about the sitting curled up thing?"

"That's an L and Ryuzaki thing. I don't know why they insist on it so much but I prefer cross legged"

"It's odd to the the body sit up straight"

"It must be, those boys don't know what good posture is if it smacked them in the face"

You snickered at the response.

Coil was the latest one you'd met, and you rather liked them. They had a very gentle personality, and very polite way of speaking. A contrast to Ryugas habit of saying fuck every other sentence.

Of course you loved them equally. But it was good to get to know coil a little better.

"You think anyone else is lurking in there?" You asked.

"I think we're pretty set as far as alters go for now. Unless something dramatically stressful happens that causes a split, I think it's just us five for a while"

"Let's hope nothing that traumatic happens"

"I hope"

You were about to say something, but noticed they seemed a bit disassociated for a moment.

"I'm sorry Ryuga seems to be eager on talking to you. Not until this cake is done because he'll absolutely forget it" Coil said.

"Ryuga seems to like trying to rush the front"

"He loves you, that's why. He's got to remember we all do you you're for sharing though. Once this cake is done expect him to force me back inside"

You giggled, their dynamic was rather cute. All of them playfully fighting over your attention in there.

"When he comes out I'll be ready for that bone crushing hug of his" you laughed.

"He and L have that in common, neither of them know what personal space is" Coil snickered back.

"Don't worry, I don't mind it when it comes from them"

"I'll take that time to talk to Ryuzaki again and see if we can come up with anything"

"I'll see if I can think I'll anything as well, if it so I'm sure whoever is in the front will relay the message back you everyone" you said.

Coil smiled, resting their head on your shoulder. You smiled back, wrapping an arm around them.

"Your worry and help for us means more than you know (y/n)" they said.

"Being a caretaker of a whole system must be hard work. I'm willing to take some of that workload" you replied.

"You're an angel (y/n), you'll get the first slice of cake for all this"

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